Q1: Strong Sales and solid Cash Flow
Haldex Group, January - March 2012

  · Sales amounted to SEK 1,073 m compared
to SEK 952 m in the corresponding period last year. Adjusted for exchange rate
fluctuations, sales increased 10% compared with the same period prior year.
Operating income and operating margin amounted to SEK 64 m (55) and 6.0% (5.8),
  · Earnings after tax amounted to SEK 34 m (38). Earnings per
share amounted to SEK 0.72 (0.82).
  · Cash-flow from operating activities was
strong in the period amounting to SEK 65 m (-109).
  · Haldex continues the
work in streamlining its processes and has initiated a program focusing on the
production, engineering, sales and administration functions. One off expenses
related to this program will amount to approximately SEK 60 m with annual
savings of SEK 35-40 m. The costs related to this program will be taken in Q2
and Q3, with savings materializing in the latter part of the

            Key ratios, Haldex Group

|Amounts in SEK m       |Jan-Mar|Jan-Mar|
|2012   |2011   |
|Net sales
|1,073  |952    |
|Operating income
|64     |55     |
|Operating margin
|6.0    |5.8    |
|Earnings after
tax     |34*    |38*    |
per share, SEK|0.72   |0.82   |

”Items effecting comparability” are described on page 6.

President and CEO
Ulf Ahlén comments on the first quarter of 2012;

“Operating margin is
sustained and cash flow generation is in line with operating earnings. From a
sales viewpoint we saw differing developments between the regions. In North
America we had strong sales in the quarter which were in line with expectations
and the market development. In Europe our sales developed well whilst the market
as expected was down. Concerns still exists around the European market and we
continue to monitor the development closely. Sales started out more weak in
South America and Asia, however the development improved by the end of the
           After the prior years’ work with process optimization,
Haldex is today a much leaner and more flexible organization, with improved
production and business processes. We now continue our efforts and have
initiated a program focusing on production, engineering, sales, administration

Calendar 2012
Q2: Six Month’s report January –
June                                       July 20
Q3: Interim report January –
September                                      November 6

Invitation to
telephone conference
Haldex invites media and analysts to a teleconference in
connection to the company's Q1 Report 2012. Ulf Ahlén, CEO and President of
Haldex, and Pramod Mistry, CFO of Haldex, will present and comment on the
report. The presentation will also be webcasted live.

Date: Wednesday, April
25, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM CET

To join the telephone conference:
You can
participate with questions by telephone.

Dial-in numbers:
SE: + 46 8 505 598
UK: +44 203 043 2436
DK: +45 369 541 87
US: +1 866 458 40

The presentation will be web casted live

webcast will also be available afterwards and you can download the Interim
Report and
the presentation from Haldex


Contact persons:
Pramod Mistry, CFO
phone: +46 (0) 418 47 60
Kristina Brink, Corporate Communications Manager /
Investor Relations        
phone: +46 (0) 418 47 61 88 or +46 (0) 705 90 91 40
Haldex AB (publ)
Corporate Registration Number 556010
E-post: info@haldex.com

Haldex (www.haldex.com), headquartered in Landskrona, Sweden, is a provider of
proprietary and innovative solutions to the global commercial vehicle industry,
with focus on products in vehicles that enhance safety, environment and vehicle
dynamics. Haldex is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange and
had net sales of approx 4 billion SEK in 2011. The number of employees amounts
to about 2,350.

Haldex discloses the information in this Interim Report
according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial
Trading Act. The information was provided for public release at 8:30 CET on
Wednesday April 25, 2012.
