EXINI: The prestigious American Society of Clinical Oncology draws attention to BSI studies

Lund, Sweden, 2012-04-26 15:16 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

The BSI studies published in January in the Journal of Clinical Oncology and European Urology, showing the benefits of BSI as an imaging biomarker, have already attracted the attention of a variety of medical news sites. The American Society of Oncology (ASCO) has now also commented on the studies in articles on their news site ASCOPOST.COM.

Statements in the articles by Dr Morris of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Dr Schwartz of Columbia University show that there are strong indications that BSI, calculated using automated analysis software, will become an important and widespread imaging biomarker to monitor cancer patients with skeletal metastases.

"The highly regarded ASCO, the biggest association for clinical oncologists, has drawn attention to the studies, which provide a very good point of reference. The interest in them shows our automatic BSI value to be an important advance that will benefit urologists and oncologists worldwide," says Magnus Aurell, CEO of EXINI Diagnostics AB, who continues: "Use of our BSI value will make doctors far more accurate in their monitoring and treatment of prostate‑cancer patients – something that will rationalise healthcare whilst simultaneously giving patients the best care."

ASCOPOST - news and views from the world of clinical oncology and haematology 

  • “New Biomarker Predicts Survival in Advanced Prostate Cancer” – April 2012
    Link to article>>
  • “Expert Point of View: New Biomarker Predicts Survival in Advanced Prostate Cancer” – April 2012
    Link to article >>


For more information, please contact:
Magnus Aurell, CEO
Phone: +46 46 286 54 25
E-mail: magnus.aurell@exini.com


About EXINI Diagnostics AB (publ)
EXINI Diagnostics AB (publ) offers advanced solutions for medical decision support to hospitals worldwide. The system is based on advanced image analysis by artificial intelligence and can make its  own interpretation of radiology images and provide diagnostic suggestions. In this way the system is used as a decision support for the diagnosing doctor. EXINI is working with products for the diagnosis of some of the most frequent endemic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, dementia and Parkinson's disease. The company was founded in 1999 by Professor Lars Edenbrandt. EXINI is listed on the stock market NASDAQ OMX First North and has about 400 shareholders. Principal owner is Bo Håkansson. Thenberg & Kinde Fondkomission AB acts as Certified Adviser.

         EXINI Diagnostics AB, Ideon Science Park, Scheelevägen 19A, SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden
         Phone: +46 46 286 54 20, Fax: +46 46 286 54 29, info@exini.com, www.exini.com
