ASPA Celebrates Public Servants

During Public Service Recognition Week

WASHINGTON, May 7, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) is recognizing the commitment of public servants in local, state and federal governments as well as the nonprofit sector during National Public Service Recognition Week celebrated May 6-10.

Across the country, ASPA chapters are celebrating Public Service Recognition Week by hosting special awards programs and networking events. Chapters are also coordinating public tributes from mayors, governors and other local elected officials.

To kick off the week, the 15 Cabinet Secretaries issued a public thank you to public servants. President Obama also issued a message honoring public servants.

"Recent news articles about a few unscrupulous individuals have placed a negative light on public servants. We want to use this week to remind the public that the majority of individuals who work in public service, either in the nonprofit or government sector, are fully committed to improving government and access to its services," said Antoinette Samuel, ASPA executive director.

"This week provides a perfect opportunity in the midst of a storm to highlight those who are doing extraordinary work every day. We are proud of our chapters who have taken up the mantle and are recognizing the stalwart public servants in their community; that is what Public Service Recognition Week is about."

For example, ASPA's Evergreen Chapter in Seattle is hosting a night at Safeco Field, home of the Seattle Mariners, for public servants. The Tennessee chapter is hosting a networking breakfast that will bring together public servants. In Rhode Island, the ASPA chapter hosted a one-day conference for high school students to promote interest in public management and public service.

In addition, several events are planned for Washington DC by the Public Employees Roundtable (PER), a coalition of 30 Washington-based organizations.  To view these events and learn more about Public Service Recognition Week, visit

The ASPA - Public Service logo is available at

The Public Service Recognition Week logo is available at


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