IT – INET Nordic – First North ICE Fixed Income - (40/12)


NASDAQ OMX Iceland intends to launch a fixed-income market segment on its First North Iceland MTF. The new segment will be called FN ICE Fixed Income. Its preliminary launch date is July 2, 2012 and is available for testing in INET OTF.

The trading set-up on FN ICE Fixed Income will be identical to the one for the clean-price market segment on NASDAQ OMX Iceland’s Main Market (OMX ICE CP Fixed Income) and trading will be subject to the same rules. All fixed-income members on NASDAQ OMX Iceland will have trading rights on FN ICE Fixed Income. Requirements for issuers, however, will be lower than on the Main Market. The market segment is particularly aimed at companies which do not prepare their accounts according to IFRS but instead use local accounting standards.

For for details please see the attached pdf-file.

Best regards,

Nasdaq OMX Nordic

