Auriga, Reporting of transaction in Auriga securities by a primary insider

Auriga Industries A/S, Harboøre, Denmark, 2012-05-31 13:49 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


Company announcement no. 12/2012

May 31, 2012


Reporting of transaction in Auriga securities by a primary insider

In pursuance of Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act (Værdipapirhandelsloven), Auriga must report information concerning transactions in Auriga shares and related securities by primary insiders.

The list is based on the primary insider’s report received by Auriga.

Name Lars Hvidtfeldt
Job position Board member
Issuer Auriga Industries A/S
ID code (ISIN code) DK0010233816
Description of the security Shares
Nature of the transaction Buy
Date of trading May 30, 2012
Market, where trading was affected NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number of traded securities 1,206 shares
Market price in DKK of traded securities DKK 89,244.00


Primary insiders are defined as members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Executives of Auriga Industries A/S and persons/entities closely related to them, ie. spouse or cohabitant, children living at home and companies in which the primary insider has a controlling interest.

Auriga released the interim report for the 1st quarter 2012 on May 23, 2012. According to Auriga’s internal rules, the trading window for insider trading in Auriga shares is open for four weeks, i.e. up until and including June 20, 2012.



Investor Relations

Tel. +45 70 10 70 30

Facts about Auriga

Auriga Industries A/S is the listed parent company of Cheminova A/S, which is the wholly owned operating company domiciled in Denmark. Cheminova is developing, producing and marketing chemical crop protection products. All activities are carried out with due consideration for the environment and in compliance with ever higher sustainability standards. The products are being sold in more than 100 countries, and exports count for 99% of sales. In 2011, the group posted revenue of approx. DKK 5.7 billion and has more than 2,100 employees in a global organisation with subsidiaries in 23 countries.



