Change in market cap segment for Cloetta AB (57/12)

Cloetta AB (ticker: CLA B) will be moved from the Small Cap segment on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm to the Mid Cap segment, as per July 2. Segment revisions are usually conducted yearly, but due to the merger with LEAF the market cap of Cloetta AB has increased substantially, from 668 MSEK (74MEUR) to 4 285 MSEK (476 MEUR). Therefore this transfer to the Mid Cap segment is performed now.

Short name: CLA B
New Segment: Mid Cap
ISIN code: SE0002626861
Orderbook ID: 63225

About the segments:

The segment Large Cap includes companies whose shares have a market value of 1 billion euro or more. The segment Mid Cap includes companies whose shares have a market value between 150 million euro and 1 billion euro, and the segment Small Cap includes companies whose shares have a market value of less than 150 million euro.

According to the market cap classification rules for the Nordic exchanges, the company will be transferred to another market capitalization segment between the review periods if the market value of the company changes substantially due to an increase or decrease of its market capitalization and it is likely that the change in the market value is not of temporary nature. Such transfer will be valid from the date of registration of the change.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please call Corporate Client Group or Market Research, telephone + 46 8 405 60 00.


Corporate Client Group Sweden Market Research