TrustBuddy International AB - Årsstämma 2012, fullständiga underlag och förslag till beslut

Bifogade dokument i PDF-format, innehåller underlag och fullständiga förslag till beslut vid TrustBuddy Internationals ABs årsstämma 2012

For more information, please contact

Jens Glasø, CEO TrustBuddy International AB
Phone: +47 40 40 47 50   

About Trustbuddy International AB (publ) 
TrustBuddy International AB (publ) is one of the first in the world to focus on arranging loans and capital provision between buddies in Scandinavia in an organised manner. The company is listed at NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm.       

Certified Adviser
Mangold Fondkommission AB is TrustBuddy International AB (publ):s Certified Adviser and market maker, contact number: +46 8-503 015 50.
