Invitation to presentation of Swedbank’s interim report January – June 2012

Swedbank’s interim report January – June 2012 will be published at 06.30 CET on
Wednesday, 18 July, 2012. You are invited to participate in the following
Analyst conference call and audio cast on 18 July at 08.30 CET
Michael Wolf, President and CEO, Göran Bronner, CFO and Håkan Berg, CRO will
present and comment on the results.
To attend the conference call, please dial + 44 203 043 24 36 or + 46 8 505 598
53 five minutes prior to the start of the call.
To listen to the live audio cast, please visit, where a
recording of the conference call also will be available.

Press conference, in Swedish, on 18 July at 11.00 CET at Swedbank’s head office,
Brunkebergstorg 8, Stockholm. Michael Wolf, President and CEO and Göran Bronner,
CFO and will present and comment on the results.To view the live webcast please
visit where a recording of the press conference also will be

Analyst lunch meeting in London at 12.00 GMT on Thursday 19 July
Michael Wolf, President and CEO, Mikael Björknert, Head of Group Business
Support and Johannes Rudbeck, Head of Investor Relations will present and
comment on the results at an analyst meeting held at Executive Offices,
Boardroom, 60 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9EA. The presentation is expected to
end by 13.00 GMT.

To attend in London please RSVP to (

For further information, please contact:
Johannes Rudbeck, Head of Investor Relations, Swedbank, phone: +46 70 582 56 56

Swedbank promotes a sound and sustainable financial situation for the many
people, households and companies. Our vision is to contribute to a development
“Beyond Financial Growth”. As a leading bank in the home markets Sweden,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Swedbank offers a wide range of financial
services and products. Swedbank has 7.8 million retail customers and around
531,000 corporate customers and organizations with 315 branches in Sweden and
over 200 branches in the Baltic countries. The group is also present in other
Nordic countries, the U.S., China, Russia and Ukraine. As of 31 March, 2012 the
group had total assets of SEK 1,889 billion. Read more at
