New management team appointed at Vitrolife

Vitrolife has appointed a new management team in order to further strengthen the
company’s future expansion and competitiveness.
Vitrolife announced on July 10 that Maria Forss has been appointed in a new role
as Vice President Business Development and Global Marketing. As from October 1,
Vitrolife's new management team will consist of Maria Forss, Emma Sjöqvist COO,
Christer Silversand CSO, Mikael Engblom CFO and Thomas Axelsson, CEO. No Vice
President has been appointed in the Parent Company.

"With the latest addition of Maria Forss, Vitrolife has established a very broad
and competent management team that covers the company's key areas, and I believe
it will create substantial value for Vitrolife's customers and shareholders,"
says Thomas Axelsson, CEO.

July 12, 2012

Gothenburg, Sweden


Thomas Axelsson

Queries should be addressed to:

Thomas Axelsson, CEO, phone 46 31 721 80 01

Mikael Engblom, CFO, phone 46 31 721 80 14

Vitrolife is required to publish the information in this press release in
accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on July
12, 2012 at 08:30 a.m.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in
doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.
Vitrolife ( is a global
biotechnology/medical device Group that works in the areas of Fertility and
Transplantation. The Fertility ( product
area works with nutrient solutions (media), cryopreservation products and
advanced consumable instruments such as needles and pipettes, for the treatment
of human infertility. Work is also carried out to enable the use and handling of
stem cells for therapeutic purposes. The
Transplantation ( product area
works with solutions and systems for assessing and preserving organs outside the
body, so as to be able to select usable organs and keep them in optimal
condition pending transplantation.

Vitrolife ( today has approximately 220
employees and its products are sold in almost 90 markets. The company is
headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and there are also offices in USA,
Australia, France, Italy, United Kingdom, China and Japan. The Vitrolife
share ( is listed on
Stockholm (
3469), Small Cap.


Vitrolife AB (publ), Box 9080, SE-400 92 Göteborg, Sweden. Corporate identity
number 556354-3452. Tel: 46 31 721 80 00. Fax: 46 31 721 80 99. E-mail: Website:
