The UCITS fund Investin and the UTICS fund Nykredit Invest – mergers of sub-funds

The UCITS fund Investin and the UTICS fund Nykredit Invest – mergers of sub-funds


On general meetings in the UCITS fund Investing the merger between Investin sub-fund Amber Global Alpha and the UTICS fund Nykredit Invest sub-fund Globale Fokusaktier (continuing) was approved. The merger between the UCITS fund Investin sub-fund Amber Nordic Alpha and the UCITS fund Nykredit Invest sub-fund Nordiske Fokusaktier (continuing) was also approved.


The Board of Nykredit Invest has also approved the mergers.


The mergers will be implemented on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen from and including 2 August 2012.


Thus, the last day of trading shares in the discontinuing funds sub-funds is 1 August 2012.


Please see the fund’s announcements.


Merger 1


Discontinuing ISIN


ISIN DK0060286912
Name of the sub-fund Investin Amber Global Alpha
Order Book Code INIAGA
Order Book ID 80511


Continuing ISIN


ISIN DK0060360824
Name of the sub-fund Nykredit Invest Globale Fokusaktier
Order Book Code NYIGLA
Order Book ID 86154






Discontinuing ISIN


ISIN DK0060108066
Name of the sub-fund Investin Amber Nordic Alpha
Order Book Code INIANA
Order Book ID 52527


Continuing ISIN


ISIN DK0060360907
Name Nykredit Invest Nordiske Fokusaktier
Order Book Code NYINOA
Order Book ID 86153





For further information please contact Jeppe Møller Nielsen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 93 33 66
