Metro International divests Metro Holland and enters into franchise agreement

Metro  International S.A. ("Metro") today announced  that it has sold its shares
in  Metro  Holland  to  Telegraaf  Media  Groep  NV  ("TMG").  As a part of this
transaction, Metro has entered into a franchise agreement with the new owner who
will  continue to publish  the Metro newspaper  in Holland along  with its other
free  daily  newspaper,  Sp!ts.  The  transaction  was completed today and Metro
Holland will be part of TMG from September 2012.

Metro  Holland was launched in 1999 and is the second largest daily newspaper in
Holland.  The two  free daily  newspapers will  have a  total readership of 2.3
million daily readers. Free newspapers are attractive for advertisers since they
reach   a  younger  audience  than  traditional  newspapers.  TMG  will  further
differentiate  the profiles of the two titles  in order to create more variation
in  its offer to readers. Also the  distribution and printing activities will be
merged  and optimized  in order  to minimize  the overlap,  allowing for  a more
profiled targeting of readers by advertisers.

Per  Mikael Jensen, President and CEO  of Metro International, commented: "Metro
Holland  has a strong position in the Dutch newspaper market and has been one of
our  most successful operations over the years. We are happy that this deal will
secure  the future of  the title and  that the Metro  brand will be  kept in the
market.  The  deal  also  allows  Metro  to  maintain  its existing pan-European
distribution  platform which is important  to our international advertisers. TMG
will  benefit from synergies with their existing operations and they have better
opportunities  to  lead  the  consolidation  of  the  Dutch print market. We are
confident that they are the right partner to develop Metro Holland further."

For further information please visit or contact:

 Per Mikael Jensen President and CEO, Metro        Tel: +44 78 4167 3230

 Hans Elekan       Head of Investor Relations, TMG Tel: +31 20 585 3308



Metro  is the largest international newspaper  in the world.  Metro is published
in  over 100 major cities  in 22 countries across Europe,  North & South America
and  Asia. Metro has a  unique global reach -  attracting a young, active, well-
educated Metropolitan audience of 18 million daily readers.


Sp!ts offers 24 hours per day news, sports and entertainment. Primarily Sp!ts is
targeting  commuters using public transport  to go to work  or university in the
morning.  With a circulation of  354,986 copies Sp!ts reaches approximately 1.5
million  readers daily with the  print edition. Next to  the print edition Sp!ts
also  has a website: Sp!ts and employ about
65 people and are a part of TMG.



Metro International divests Metro Holland.pdf