PRF: Registration of Share Capital Decrease

Tallinn, Estonia, 2012-09-03 15:17 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

The General Meeting of shareholders of AS Premia Foods (hereinafter Premia) held on 29 May 2012 decided to decrease the share capital of Premia by decreasing the nominal value of share by 0.1 euro (10 cents), as a result of which the new nominal value of Premia’s share is 0.5 euro (50 cents). The share capital of Premia was decreased by altogether 3,868,286 euro and the new amount of registered share capital of Premia is 19,341,430 euro.

Today (on 3 September 2012), the decrease of share capital of Premia and related amendments to the Articles of Association were registered in the Commercial Register.

According to the Commercial Code, upon decrease of share capital, payments to shareholders may be made not earlier than after 3 months as from the registration of share capital decrease in the Commercial Register. Therefore the payments related to the share capital decrease of Premia will be made on or about 4 December 2012.

         Additional information:
         Kuldar Leis
         Premia Foods
         Chairman of Management Board
         T: 6 033 800