Handelsstatistik for august 2012

København, 5. september 2012 - NASDAQ OMX København offentliggør i dag den månedlige handelsstatistik for det danske marked. Herunder følger en kort sammenfatning af handelen på NASDAQ OMX København for august 2012:


Aktiehandelen på NASDAQ OMX København steg i august 7,2 pct. i august til en gennemsnitlig daglig handel på DKK 2 mia. fra 1,9 mia. i juli 2012. Gennemsnitlig daglig handel i de foregående 12 måneder var DKK 2,4 mia.

Handelen med derivater på NASDAQ OMX’s nordiske marked faldt i august med 34 pct. til et dagligt gennemsnit på 432.172 kontrakter mod 654.391 kontrakter i august 2011.

Handelen med ETF* (Exchange Traded Funds) på NASDAQ OMX nordiske marked faldt med 70,4 pct. til et dagligt gennemsnit på EUR 40 mio. mod EUR 135 mio. i august 2011.

I august kunne NASDAQ OMX København tilbyde bedste prisstillelse af køb- og salgskurser i danske C20-aktier (såkaldt EBBO)** i 88,7 procent af tiden.

NASDAQ OMX Københavns markedsandel af ordrebogshandelen i egne noterede aktier faldt i august til 74,8 pct. fra 74,9 pct. i juli 2012. Udenlandske handelspladser stod i maj for 25,2 pct. af handelen i aktier noteret på NASDAQ OMX København***.

NASDAQ OMX Nordics markedsandel af ordrebogshandelen i norsk-noterede aktier**** faldt til 8,6 pct. mod 8,7 pct. i juli.

For mere information, se de månedlige statistikrapporter, som offentliggøres på http://nordic.nasdaqomxtrader.com/newsstatistics/.



*) ETF-handelstal er fra markederne i NASDAQ OMX Stockholm og NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

**) EBBO (European Best Bid Offer) betegner den aktuelle bedste pris tilgængelig for køb og salg af aktier og andre handelsinstrumenter.

***) Kilde: Thompson Reuters og NASDAQ OMX. Inkluderede markedspladser omfatter alle europæiske markedspladser der tilbyder handel i NASDAQ OMX Nordic-noterede aktier.

****) Aktuelt tilbyder NASDAQ OMX handel i 21 ud af 25 OBX-aktier.




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The inventor of the electronic exchange, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., fuels economies and provides transformative technologies for the entire lifecycle of a trade - from risk management to trade to surveillance to clearing. In the U.S. and Europe, we own and operate 24 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories supporting equities, options, fixed income, derivatives, commodities, futures and structured products. Able to process more than 1 million messages per second at sub-40 microsecond speeds with 99.999% uptime, our technology drives more than 70 marketplaces in 50 developed and emerging countries into the future, powering 1 in 10 of the world’s securities transactions. Our award-winning data products and worldwide indexes are the benchmarks in the financial industry. Home to approximately 3,400 listed companies worth $6 trillion in market cap whose innovations shape our world, we give the ideas of tomorrow access to capital today. Welcome to where the world takes a big leap forward, daily.  Welcome to the NASDAQ OMX Century.  To learn more, visit www.nasdaqomx.com.

(Symbol: NDAQ and member of S&P 500)


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The matters described herein contain forward-looking statements that are made under the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements about NASDAQ OMX's products and offerings. We caution that these statements are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other factors beyond NASDAQ OMX's control. These factors include, but are not limited to factors detailed in NASDAQ OMX's annual report on Form 10-K, and periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to release any revisions to any forward-looking statements.


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NASDAQ OMX København:  
Javier Lopez Garrido +45 33 77 04 30                                                    





Handelsstatistik_august 2012.pdf