Sparbank A/S and Spar Nord Bank A/S - Transferral to the observation list

Spar Nord Bank and Sparbank A/S - Transferral to the observation list


  NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred the below companies and bonds to the observation list today:
  ISIN                       Name                                                        
  DK0060036564               Spar Nord                                                    
  DK0003457687                5,25SparNord                                                
  DK0030257993                SparNord 13                                                  
  DK0010305820               Sparbank                                                    
  DK0030010327                SpbkVest Hyb                                                
  DK0030247846                Sparbank S13                                                
Spar Nord Bank A/S and Sparbank A/S have been transferred to the observation list as the boards of directors of Spar Nord Bank A/S and Sparbank A/S have agreed to seek a merger of the two banks with Spar Nord as the continuing bank. 

For further information, please see the announcements published by the companies on the 18 September 2012.

For further information, please contact: Pernille Gram Christensen, Surveillance, tel. 0045 33 93 33 66



Spar Nord overført Obs-list - 18. september 2012 DKUK.pdf