Alpcot Agro settles dispute in Ukraine

As communicated earlier, Alpcot Agro has been involved in a dispute with a
former supplier of Landkom in Ukraine.

The parties have now concluded a settlement, wherein an agreement has been
reached on the amount of debt. Alpcot Agro will pay all outstanding debts to the
counterparty in the near term and the counterparty will cancel all legal
activities against Alpcot Agro in Ukraine including terminating the bankruptcy
proceedings against Alpcot Agro’s subsidiary, which was communicated on 7

Stockholm, 1 October 2012

For information contact:
Fredrik Langenskiöld, Chairman, tel: +46 707 875 740
About Alpcot Agro AB (publ)
Alpcot Agro is a Swedish limited liability company incorporated in 2006. The
Company's business idea is to generate an attractive return on invested capital
by optimally utilizing the Company’s agricultural land bank through crop
production, dairy farming and other similar operations in Russia and the other
CIS states. The shares in Alpcot Agro are listed on First North under the ticker
ALPA and the Company’s Certified Adviser is Remium Nordic AB. Additional
information is available on

