Bulletin from Cybercom’s 2012 EGM

Cybercom Group AB (publ) held an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Monday,
1 October 2012. The EGM approved the decision by the board to implement a new
share issue for proceeds of up to SEK 125.6 million.
At the EGM, 66 percent of Cybercom's shares and votes were represented. The EGM
resolved to endorse the proposals prepared by the board. All resolutions were
passed by the required majority. These items summarise the EGM resolutions.

Issue of new shares
The EGM approved the board’s proposal of 29 August 2012 to issue new shares in
exchange for proceeds of SEK 125.6 million. At full subscription in the rights
issue, the share capital increases by SEK 36,087,899 to SEK 45,109,873.75.

The terms and conditions that apply to the issue shall include, but not be
limited to, the following.

  · Shareholders in Cybercom will have preferential right to subscribe for four
new shares for every existing share held on the record date 4 October 2012
  · The subscription price is SEK 0.87 per share which represents total rights
issue proceeds of approximately SEK 125.6 million at full subscription excluding
costs related to the transaction
  · The rights issue is fully guaranteed by means of subscription undertakings
from existing shareholders including JCE Group and by means of guarantee
undertakings from external investors
  · The subscription period will run from and including 9 October up to and
including 23 October 2012

Right to subscribe

The right to subscribe for new shares with preferential rights shall apply those
registered as shareholders in the company on the record date 4 October 2012.


Subscription of shares shall also be possible without preferential rights. In
the event that not all shares are subscribed for with subscription rights the
board shall decide on allocation, within the framework of the maximum issue
amount, to those who have subscribed without preferential rights according to
the following criteria:

  · Firstly, shares shall be allocated to those who have also subscribed for
shares using subscription rights, regardless of whether or not the subscriber
was registered as a shareholder on the record date and – if there is
oversubscription – in proportion to the number of subscription rights exercised
to subscribe for shares and, to the extent this is not possible, by drawing
  · Secondly, shares shall be allocated to those to those who subscribed for
shares only without subscription rights and – if there is oversubscription – in
proportion to the number of shares each applicant has subscribed for and, to the
extent this is not possible, by drawing lots.
  · Thirdly and finally, shares shall be allocated to those who guaranteed the
issue by agreement with the company, and – if there is oversubscription – in
proportion to the number of shares each applicant guaranteed for subscription
and, to the extent this is not possible, by drawing lots.

Reduction of the company’s share capital

The EGM endorsed the board’s proposal to reduce the company’s share capital by
SEK 27,065,924.5. The reduction shall be implemented without cancellation of

Amendments of the Articles of Association

The EGM endorsed the board’s proposal to change the Articles of Association. The
amendment means the share capital limits are changed to not less than SEK
37,500,000 and not more than SEK 150,000,000. The limits of the number of shares
are changed to not less than 150,000,000 and not more than 600,000,000. The
amendments mean that the quota value is changed from SEK 1.00 to SEK 0.25. The
board also decided on some minor editorial changes to the Articles of


Minutes of the EGM will be available on the company's website www.cybercom.se.

Cybercom is required to make this information public as per the Swedish
Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 2
October at 8:30 am.

Stockholm, October 2012

Cybercom Group AB (publ)

Board of Directors
For further information, please contact:

Helena Borglund, general counsel and AGM secretary, Cybercom Group, +46 709 41
22 04
Kristina Cato, communications director and IR manager, Cybercom Group, +46 708
64 47 02

About Cybercom
Cybercom is an IT consulting company that assists leading companies and
organisations to benefit from the opportunities of the connected world. The
company’s areas of expertise span the entire ecosystem of communications
services. Cybercom’s domestic market is the Nordic region, and in addition the
company offers global delivery capacity for local and international business.
Cybercom was founded in 1995 and has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
exchange since 1999.

