Peab conducts bond issue under the MTN program

Peab has issued bonds amounting to SEK 600 million in the MTN program, which was
established in February 2012. The issue is divided into a part of SEK 300
million with a maturity of 1.5 years and a portion of SEK 300 million with a
term of 4 years. Organizer of the issue is Swedbank. The loan limit for the MTN
program is SEK

3 000 million and bonds totaling SEK 1 000 million is outstanding.

The purpose of the present issue is to fund the maturity of convertible bonds
2007/2012 amounting to SEK 600 million due on 30 November.

The MTN program gives Peab a possibility via the capital market to find long
-term funding and to be used as one of several sources of funding.

For further information, please contact:

Jesper Göransson, C F O Peab +46 733 371013

Gösta Sjöström, C I O Peab +46 733 371010

Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

The information was submitted for publication at 11 a m on 18 October 2012.
Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with some 15,000 employees and more than
SEK 40 billion in net sales. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located
offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of