Source: Moberg Pharma AB


Moberg Derma AB (OMX: MOB) today announces that it has received the final
results from a phase II study of MOB-015 in patients with onychomycosis. The
clinical efficacy was unsatisfactory, and the company has therefore decided to
initiate a new study with an improved formulation.
Based on the final results of the completed study, the company reiterates the
assessment announced already in connection with a previous analysis of interim
data; that the studied formulation of MOB-015 is not efficacious enough to
justify further development. The study has provided valuable information that
has been used in the development of a new formulation of MOB-015 with improved
penetration capability. The company has decided to initiate a new phase II study
with this new formulation. Approvals from the Swedish Medical Products Agency
and the Ethics Committee have been obtained. The first of a total of 35 patients
will be included in the trial already in December this year.

"We have drawn important conclusions from the first study and developed an
improved formulation of MOB-015, which now will be evaluated in a new clinical
study." says Peter Wolpert, CEO of Moberg Derma.

About MOB-015 and nail fungus
MOB-015 is a new topical treatment for nail fungus (onychomycosis) with
fungicidal, keratolytic and emollient properties. Moberg Dermas patent-pending
formulation technology has, in pre-clinical studies, been shown to transport
high concentrations of a fungicidal substance in and through nail tissue. As MOB
-015 is applied locally, the side effects associated with oral treatment are

Nail fungus is the most common nail disease and afflicts approximately 10% of
the general population and increasing with age. The estimated global market
potential exceeds USD 1 billion. The untapped potential is significant since
many patients remain untreated. It is generally recognized that there is a need
for new efficacious and safe topical treatments.
For further information, please contact:
Peter Wolpert, President and CEO of Moberg Derma
Telephone: +46 8 522 307 00
Mobile: +46 70 - 735 71 35

Magnus Persson, IR
Mobile: +46 73 - 355 26 01
About this information
Moberg Derma discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication at 07:00 pm (CET) on November 7th,

About Moberg Derma
Moberg Derma AB (publ), based in Stockholm, develops patented topical
pharmaceuticals for the treatment of common disorders through the use of
innovative drug delivery. The company’s products are based on proven compounds,
which reduce time to market, development costs and risk. Moberg Derma’s first
product Nalox™/Emtrix® - for nail disorders - became the Nordic market leader
directly after launch in autumn 2010 and international launch is ongoing. The
portfolio includes approved and launched products to projects in the preclinical
and clinical phase. The company began operations at the Karolinska Institute in
Stockholm in 2006. The share of Moberg Derma is quoted on the Small Cap list of
the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm. For further information, please