Stonesoft Corporation Stock Exchange Release November 12, 2012 at 11.59 a.m.


Stonesoft's Board of Directors and Executive Management have updated the
company's strategy and goals. The company's updated strategy for the years
2013-2014 is based on rapid growth in the rapidly growing security market.
Stonesoft's growth strategy is divided into cyber security-, customer-, product-
, channel-, and marketing strategies, each of which supports growth.

Stonesoft is committed to profitable and faster-than-market growth and growing
the company's value.

"Stonesoft has a clear goal: rapid growth faster than the market development. We
are the best in demanding network security, protection against advanced network
attacks and in the ability to meet customer needs", says Ilkka Hiidenheimo, CEO
at Stonesoft. "We want to maintain our position as the most innovative network
security company in the world."

Vision and mission

Stonesoft's vision is "The Best Protection For Cyber Security". With cyber
security we mean security of the digital world, where a sense of trust prevails
and the ability, acquired through practical means, to proactively manage and
tolerate cyber threats and their effects. In cyber security, the best protection
means that Stonesoft protects the key operations of the society under all
circumstances. Stonesoft challenges traditional security understanding and
demands flexible and resilient security solutions that meet the needs of the
rapidly developing and increasingly complex cyber world. According to its
vision, the company acts as a change agent in cyber security, providing the best
possible protection.

Stonesoft's mission is "To Protect and Save Lives and Businesses in Cyber
Space". The company's mission strengthens protecting the digitalizing world as
an entity. Protecting infrastructure, automation, and manufacturing systems
critical for companies, organizations and the whole society against cyberattacks
ultimately protects human lives and have an impact on survival. Such functions
that are crucial for the whole society are, for example, protecting heating,
water and electricity networks, which are provided by nations, municipalities,
companies and organizations.

Cyber security, customers, solutions, channel and marketing

Cyber security: Stonesoft participates in developing cyber security and on the
levels of companies' business environment, societies' key infrastructure and
national security. Stonesoft emphasizes knowledge and understanding as well as
concrete actions to achieve a cybersecure society. The world of cyber security
needs constructive discussion, expertise and visionary thinking which creates
new innovations. Stonesoft takes responsibility and has taken a leap towards
strategic cyber security thinking. The company continues to develop future cyber
security solutions.

Customers: Stonesoft's solutions meet the demands of organizations requiring
highest level of security, e.g. military, public administration, distributed
industrial operations and R&D organizations, telecom operators, media, finance
and banking. These customers are at the forefront in investing in the next
generation network security solution, as an innovator of which Stonesoft is a
leading vendor in the world. The key demands of these customers are business
continuity, optimizing operational expenditure, safe business application
enablement, situational awareness and resilience, securing distributed
organizations, protecting the brand and other valuable assets as well as
regulatory compliance.

Solutions: Stonesoft's products protect networks against external threats,
enable efficient centralized management of even large network security systems,
create secured and reliable connections between offices and partners and improve
the fault-tolerance of the network.

Stonesoft's competitive advantages in the demanding customer segment are
research-based anti-evasion solutions, an efficient centralized management
system and high availability solutions. Stonesoft's strengths include also
advanced technical implementation, which allows fast dynamic reactions as the
threat scenario changes.

Stonesoft focuses in one flexible and modular product platform, Security Engine,
which can be tailored to various network protection tasks. Also OEM partnerships
are being sought for the Security Engine.

Channel: Stonesoft facilitates the cooperation with the global channel by
improving both partner quality and focus.

Marketing: Stonesoft focuses on customer orientation and strengthening its
thought leadership position especially in strategic cyber security and advanced
evasion techniques.

"These targets require from Stonesoft the effort to continuous improvement of
operations and products as well as learning. Our competent and committed
personnel makes this possible. We are globally looking for professionals in the
areas we need who will commit to the growth of the operations of our company",
says Ilkka Hiidenheimo, CEO of Stonesoft.

More information:

Ilkka Hiidenheimo, CEO, Stonesoft Corporation will introduce the company's
updated strategy at the Capital Markets Day event 14 November 2012.

For more information about the event, please see the stock exchange release
issued by the company on 24 October 2012:

Stonesoft Corporation
Ilkka Hiidenheimo
Chief Executive Officer

For further information, please contact:
Ilkka Hiidenheimo; CEO, Stonesoft Corporation
Tel.+358 9 4767 11

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
