Source: Compuware Corporation

Compuware Recognized for Its Commitment to Community and Helping People With Disabilities

Receives Tony Filippis Corporate Leadership Award From the Athletes with Disabilities Network

DETROIT, Nov. 12, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Compuware Corporation (Nasdaq:CPWR), the technology performance company, today announced that the Athletes with Disabilities Network (ADN) has honored Compuware with the 2012 Tony Filippis Corporate Leadership Award. The Tony Filippis, Sr. Corporate Leadership Award was established to recognize outstanding business organizations that make significant contributions to their community by demonstrating leadership and commitment to the advancement of persons with disabilities.

"Compuware and its employees are motivated by the idea that technology can make a difference," said Compuware CEO Bob Paul. "We strive to make a difference not just in the business arena, but for communities, families and individuals with disabilities or without. We're very proud to have built an environment that enables success for people with disabilities and to have extended that philosophy into the community at-large. This recognition from the ADN is a great honor that we accept with the acknowledgement that this is an ongoing responsibility that requires our continued commitment in years to come."

The award was presented at the 14th annual ADN Hall of Fame Dinner Thursday, October 25. The ADN's Hall of Fame recognizes and honors men and women who have overcome physical challenges to become elite athletes and superior role models. The Tony Filippis Corporate Leadership Award is named in honor of the founder of the ADN Hall of Fame, Tony Filippis, Sr.

Compuware has a long history of philanthropic work and strives to make a difference in the communities where their employees live and work. Examples of this commitment at the institutional level include support for the Special Olympics, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Gleaners Food Bank, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Easter Seals, the Mental Illness Foundation and many other endeavors. On an individual level, Compuware's annual Global Volunteer Day empowers employees with the opportunity to devote their time to a community project or non-profit organization; many choose to help those who face disabilities or other personal challenges.

Additional presentations at the ADN Hall of Fame Dinner included the announcement of entrants into the ADN's National and Michigan Halls of Fame, and winners of the Rick Knas Lifetime Achievement award, Female and Male Athletes of the Year, and the Mark "Doc" Andrews Rising Star award.

Athletes with Disabilities Network

The ADN was established in 2009 with the mission of promoting a better quality of life by creating opportunities for people with physical disabilities. The ADN operates and organizes the Athletes with Disabilities Hall of Fame, which recognizes and honors men and women who have overcome physical challenges to become elite athletes and superior role models. Since 1999, the Athletes with Disabilities Hall of Fame has recognized nearly 100 individuals who exhibit a passion for life and a dedication to inspire others through their words, actions and giving back to the greater community.

Compuware Corporation

Compuware Corporation, the technology performance company, makes technology make a difference by providing software, experts and best practices to ensure technology works well and delivers value. Compuware solutions make the world's most important technologies perform at their best for leading organizations worldwide, including 46 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies and 12 of the top 20 most visited U.S. web sites. Learn more at:

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