New share for trading, Betting Promotion Sweden AB (publ) (167/12)

At the request of Betting Promotion Sweden AB (publ), 556466-8860,  Betting Promotion Sweden AB (publ) shares will be traded on First North as from December 3, 2012.


Short name: BETT
Number of shares: 9 520 065
ISIN code: SE0001593914
Round lot: 1
Order book ID: 90760
ADT Value: 4 000 000
Company Identity Number: 556466-8860
Submarket: First North STO
Market Segment: First North STO, 8
Tick size Table: FN Equities, 177
Mic Code: FNSE


ICB Classification


Code Name
5000 Consumer Services
5700 Travel & Leisure


This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Sedermera Fondkommission AB. For further information, please call Sedermera Fondkommission AB on +46 431 47 17 00.