CORAnet Solutions, Inc. Provides Electronic Medical Records at Your Fingertips

WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a world with nearly 1000 EMR software solutions where a visit to a doctor is a long process that includes filling forms repeatedly, there is still no way that allows individuals to avail themselves of their medical records in a concise, safe manner and have it available, anytime, anywhere on demand; until now.

As individuals become more mobile, the need to access personal medical records immediately 24/7 from anywhere around the world has increasingly been a major challenge. The problem becomes more acute during an emergency when one is unconscious or unable to speak, or in a life-threatening situation.

CORAnet Solutions, Inc. addresses the interoperability, security, functionality, availability and mobility issues mentioned that each one of us encounters when in need of current, up-to-date medical records on demand.

The company created a patented system that allows people (such as doctors, health care providers and individuals) to carry personal medical records. The solution is secure, personalized and allows on demand access to medical information while also assuring that it remains private, intact and up-to-date. The system is fully developed and ready for deployment. 

The company is now in the process of positioning itself as the latest most up-to-date Mobile Electronic Medical Records support solution with its patented mobile technology that has two applications: CORAVault™ that gives individuals access to their electronic medical records through their cell phones and mobile devices and CORALink™ Emergency App that identifies an unconscious individual, someone unable to speak, and assists someone in life-threatening situations.

CORAVault™ integrates disparate EMR systems and any CCD/CCR HL7 compliant medical record from many different sources such as hospitals, doctors' offices, clinics and brings them to cell phones and mobile devices through a secure platform. The CORALink™ Emergency App identifies individuals who are unconscious and unable to speak by showing basic bio data such as name, date of birth, blood type, allergies and current medications being taken. Not only does it identify the patient, it also notifies the emergency point of contact by email and SMS of the location and occurrence of emergency through GPS coordinates, on a subscription basis.

CORAnet Solutions Inc., also addresses the questions of what will happen to individuals' records when their doctors close their practices or even die, when a hospital closes, or when individuals move to different locations or when they travel and happen to get sick. It also allows sharing of medical records for parents who would like to manage their children's records from birth to adulthood and for children who would like to manage their elderly parents' medical records when they are no longer able to take care of themselves.

For the hospitals and care givers, it helps expedite delivery of care by having immediate access to accurate medical records, save costs and time from unnecessary duplication of tests and avoid administration of contraindicated medications that could sometimes be fatal to the patients.

The system facilitates continuity of care from the hospital to the community by having medical records accessible to the doctors in the outpatient community who are not the same doctors who took care of the patients in the hospital thus reducing avoidable readmissions for the same problems. 

The CORAVault™ servers do not store medical data as the data is stored in the individual's cell phone or mobile device; it is encrypted, username and password- protected and data from the EMR system cannot be altered by the individual users ensuring the integrity of medical data. The two exceptions are managing appointments and adding/deleting medications that are outside of the originating EMR system; however the system identifies the source of these data whether it is self-entered or from the EMR.

The CORALink™ Emergency App is now available at the Google, Amazon and iTunes App Stores on an optional subscription basis.

The full access to the EMR (CORAVault™ application) will be on a subscription basis as well accessible worldwide and can be translated into different languages. CORAVault™ will be available to the market shortly. For an introduction video, please visit:

Please visit us at the mHealth Summit Dec. 3-5, Booth 1231 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Washington, DC area.

To learn more about CORAnet Solutions, Inc. please go to Contact: (240-644-1555)

The CORAnet Solutions, Inc. logo is available at


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