Reminder: NASDAQ OMX to implement a split of the OMX Oslo 20 Indexes

As of December 3, 2012 NASDAQ OMX will implement a split of the OMXO20 Indexes due to customer demands.

The terms for the OMX Oslo 20 split will be six (6) new and eleven (11) old, thus 6:11. Please see the attached Excel-file for more information on the new historical time series.

Due to the index split, NASDAQ OMX has also revised the Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the OMX Oslo 20 Indexes. The update of the methodology will take immediate effect as of December 3, 2012.

Please note that the historical weight reports will not be updated, so we advise our clients to update their time series according to the Excel-file.

Thank you for your cooperation!

For further information concerning this notice please contact:
NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group, telephone + 46 8 405 6296 or e-mail


2012-11-30_OMX Oslo 20 Index Split_REMINDER.pdf OMXO20_new_time_series.xls