Fingerprint Cards completes directed share issue

Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) has completed a directed share issue of SEK 36.1
FPC discloses that the Company today has completed a directed share issue of
approximately 4.2 million new Class B shares, corresponding to 9.9% of the
number of Class B shares outstanding in the Company before the directed share
issue. The new share issue provides the Company with more than SEK 36.1 million
before deductions for issue expenses.

The share issue was directed at a few institutional investors in Sweden and
internationally. The Hong Kong listed company World Wide Touch Technology (WWTT,
also referred to as World Fair) subscribed for 2.8 million shares, representing
5.9% of the outstanding shares in the Company after the new issue. The
subscription price was SEK 8.60 per share, corresponding to market closing price
on Tuesday the 11thof December. As a result of the share issue, the number of
shares in the Company will increase with approximately 4.2 Class B shares. The
Company’s total number of outstanding shares increases from 43,609,586 shares to
a total of 47,808,135 shares, and the share capital will increase by SEK 839,710
to SEK 9,561,627.

The proceeds will allow FPC to capitalize on new opportunities by increasing the
number of employees, consultants and development projects.

The directed share issue was decided on by the Board of Directors of FPC,
pursuant to authorization granted by the 2012 Annual General Meeting. The
authorization grants the Board of Directors the right to decide on a share issue
of maximum 9,000,000 shares without preferential right to subscription of shares
by existing shareholders, in order to finance and enable an accelerated
expansion and development of the Company, its markets and products.

“We are delighted at the interest shown by institutional investors, both in
Sweden and internationally and welcome them on board as shareholders. We also
welcome World Wide Touch Technology (World Fair) as a major investor in FPC. The
transaction strengthens FPC’s financial position and enables the Company to
proactively capitalize on the new opportunities arising from market recovery.
The previously announced three-year supply agreement with CrucialTec in
combination with a higher demand from the mobile market enhances FPCs position
in the growing market for biometry in mobiles and tablets significantly”, says
Johan Carlström, President and CEO of Fingerprint Cards AB.

Carnegie Investment Bank served as financial advisor in connection with the
directed share issue.

For further information, please contact:
Johan Carlström, CEO of Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), +46 (0)31-60 78 20,

About Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) markets, develops and produces biometric components
and technologies that through the analysis and matching of an individual’s
unique fingerprint verify the person’s identity. The technology consists of
biometric sensors, processors, algorithms and modules that can be used
separately or in combination with each other. The competitive advantages offered
by the FPC’s technology include unique image quality, extreme robustness, low
power consumption and complete biometric systems. With these advantages and the
ability to achieve extremely low manufacturing costs, the technology can be
implemented in volume products such as smart cards and mobile phones, where
extremely rigorous demands are placed on such characteristics. The Company’s
technology can also be used in IT and Internet security, access control, etc.
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (FING B) and has
its head office in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Market Act (2007:528) and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading
Act (1991:980). The information was issued for publication on December 12, 2012,
at 08:00 a.m.

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