Notification in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 2 § 9: Changes in Investor AB's ownership in Wärtsilä

Wärtsilä Corporation Company announcement 13.12.2012 at 16.30 EET

Wärtsilä has today been informed of the following change in ownership of
Investor AB;

Investor AB's subsidiary Aktiebolaget Navigare has on 13.12.2012 transferred all
of its Wärtsilä shares to Instoria Aktiebolaget, a total of 17,306,978 shares
corresponding to 8.77% of the share capital and votes. Instoria Aktiebolaget is
also a wholly owned subsidiary of Investor AB. The joint ownership of Fiskars
Group and Investor AB in Wärtsilä Corporation has not changed or reached a
flagging notification limit.
