Source: FierceMarkets Inc.

FierceMarkets Acquires Retail Technology Publication StorefrontBacktalk

Acquisition to Form Core of New Retail-Focused Media Group

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FierceMarkets, a division of Questex Media Group LLC, has completed the acquisition of the StorefrontBacktalk retail technology publication from The Content Firm LLC.

StorefrontBacktalk, which tracks retail technology, mobile and E-Commerce issues for a newsletter audience of over21,000 retail industry insiders, has built an avid readership through its focus on surprise, with a mix of editorial insight, commentary and reporting stories that have yet to be told. Since its founding in 2006, the publication has been cited broadly by the wider business press, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Reuters, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and Wired, for its insights into the intersection of technology and retail. Through the acquisition, StorefrontBacktalk becomes the flagship publication for a newly created Retail publication group within FierceMarkets.

"We are excited to bring the StorefrontBacktalk publication and team into the FierceMarkets family," said Maurice Bakley, president of FierceMarkets. "StorefrontBacktalk is a perfect fit for our growing portfolio of 44 digital publications that bring trusted, engaging voices to vertical industry executives. The audience and editorial talents of StorefrontBacktalk, combined with FierceMarkets' proven marketing platforms and digital media DNA, will bring benefits for both readers and marketers in the Retail space. We look forward to building out a strong offering of media properties to serve this dynamic industry."

As part of the transaction, the StorefrontBacktalk editorial team, including founder and editorial leader Evan Schuman, will be making the transition. Schuman, a veteran technology journalist with major business media properties such as eWeek, InformationWeek and TechWeb, joins FierceMarkets as Executive Editor of the newly formed Retail Group. "We're very excited to be joining the respected Fierce family of publications and look forward to taking StorefrontBacktalk to the next level," Schuman said. "This move will allow us to expand beyond the site's core offering, with broader industry news coverage, new titles, webcasts, and in-person events."

With the acquisition of StorefrontBacktalk, FierceMarkets continues its expansion as a growing digital media platform that delivers results for B2B marketers looking to reach engaged executive audiences in technology-driven industries. "We are pleased to close this transaction and further expand the FierceMarkets technology media offering," said Questex president and CEO Kerry Gumas.

For inquiries about advertising in StorefrontBacktalk or the expanded offerings of FierceMarkets' Retail Group, please contact Jack Fordi, VP of Sales and Business Development, at or 202-824-5050.

About FierceMarkets

FierceMarkets, a division of Questex Media Group LLC, is a leader in B2B emedia, providing information and marketing services in the telecommunications, life sciences, healthcare, IT, energy, government, and finance industries through its portfolio of email newsletters, websites, webinars and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets' wide array of publications reaches more than 1.4 million executives in more than 100 countries.

Current publications include: TelecomFierceBroadbandWireless; FierceCable; FierceDeveloper; FierceEnterpriseCommunications; FierceIPTV; FierceMobileContent; FierceOnlineVideo; FierceTelecom; FierceWireless; FierceWireless:Europe; HealthcareFierceEMR; FierceHealthcare; FierceHealthFinance; FierceHealthIT; FierceHealthPayer; FierceMedicalImaging; FierceMobileHealthcare; FiercePracticeManagement; Hospital Impact; Life SciencesFierceBiomarkers; FierceBiotech; FierceBiotechIT; FierceBiotech Research; FierceCRO; FierceDrugDelivery; FierceMedicalDevices; FiercePharma; FiercePharmaManufacturing; FierceVaccines; EnergyFierceEnergy; FierceSmartgrid; Enterprise ITFierceBigData; FierceCIO; FierceCIO:TechWatch; FierceContentManagement; FierceMobileIT; FinanceFierceComplianceIT; FierceFinance; FierceFinanceIT; Government: FierceGovernment; FierceGovernmentIT; FierceHomelandSecurity; and FierceMobileGovernment.

About Questex Media Group LLC

Questex Media Group LLC is a leading business-to-business media company.  Questex produces industry-leading trade shows, conferences and business events for specific markets as well as eMedia, magazines, eLearning and other information products that provide news and information and facilitate year-round lead generation, buying, selling and business networking in those markets.  The company's wide range of products as well as its audience, content, marketing and information services help millions of executives and professionals from the world's leading companies buy and sell more effectively and accelerate their growth year-round.  The company is headquartered in Newton, Mass. with offices worldwide.

About StorefrontBacktalk

StorefrontBacktalk was launched in 2006 by veteran technology journalist Evan Schuman, who wanted a publication for IT execs at the major chains that told them stories that routinely surprised them. That was done either by breaking stories (which StorefrontBacktalk, a "you-really-did-read-it-here-first," source did quite often) or by offering analysis that went beyond what was otherwise available. Storefront was routinely quoted or referenced in major media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, MSNBC, Forbes, Reuters, BusinessWeek, Wired, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, Consumer Reports, U.S. News & World Report, American Banker, The Detroit Free Press, Sacramento Bee, among others.