Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the company was not held

Alytus, Lithuania, 2013-01-09 15:17 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Company group ALITA AB, code 302444238, registered at Miškininkų st. 17, Alytus, the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter, the “Company”), hereby announces that interim measures were applied vis a vis the Company’s shareholder FR&R Invest IGA S.A. It was prohibited from voting in the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, scheduled for 9 January 2013 regarding the decision to annul shares of the Company. The interim measures were applied by the judge of the Kaunas District Court Ms. Galina Blaževič, after a request by Plass Investments Limited.

The Company also informs that the quorum for the General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 9 January 2013 was not met as the shareholders who hold the shares, carrying the necessary amount of more than 50% of all the votes did not register for the Meeting. Thus, the General Meeting of Shareholders never took place.



         Additional information is provided by the General Director Vaidas Mickus, phone number + 370 315 57243.