Source: CK Chiropractic Center

Chiropractic Care Effective Natural Healing Alternative Says California Medical Evaluator

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 13, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- San Diego chiropractors Dr. Kien Ta and Dr. James Caballero of CK Chiropractic Center are educating patients about the health benefits of natural healing. Holistic therapies, including chiropractic adjustments, are a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to traditional pain management. According to Dr. Ta and Dr. Caballero, chiropractic care addresses the underlying causes for pain and injury, which provides long-lasting health benefits and enhances overall wellness.

Individuals who are struggling with chronic pain or have sustained a personal injury may benefit from natural healing. CK Chiropractic, a San Diego chiropractic center, is raising awareness about the benefits of complementary and alternative medicine, including chiropractic care.

"While surgery and medication can offer important health benefits, many of our patients are looking for a non-invasive or drug-free alternative," said chiropractor Dr. Kien Ta. "Our patient-proven techniques can make a big difference for pain management, injury rehabilitation and overall wellness."

Dr. Ta is board certified as an Independent Medical/Chiropractic Examiner and is also licensed by the state of California as a Qualified Medical Evaluator for workers compensation injuries. He has successfully managed over 10,000 personal injury and workers compensation cases.

"After treating thousands of injury cases, I understand what works – and what doesn't – when it comes to helping my patients heal," said Dr. Ta. "Chiropractic adjustments are effective for many patients. Adjustments address the underlying cause for pain and injury, restore proper alignment to the body, and support the healing process."

According to the San Diego chiropractor, an undiagnosed spinal misalignment is a common cause for injury and pain. A herniated disc, for example, may compress nearby nerves, triggering a radiating pain sensation. Other workers compensation injuries, including chronic back pain, can be managed by restoring proper alignment to the spine.

Chiropractor Dr. James Caballero practices with Dr. Ta. Dr. Caballero says that spinal adjustments, in combination with complementary therapies like massage or acupuncture, can offer significant pain relief for patients who struggle with sciatica, low back pain or a whiplash injury.

"Patients come to our chiropractic center because they need an effective alternative to traditional medical care," said Dr. Caballero. "Sciatica and whiplash are two incredibly painful conditions. Alternative therapies and natural healing treatments offer long-lasting pain relief that makes a real difference in patients' lives."

The chiropractors say that an added benefit of natural healing is the impact that treatments can make on overall health. For example, correcting spinal alignment does more than simply relieve pain. Correct alignment improves posture, reduces the risk for injury, and helps patients sleep better at night.

"Our practice follows a whole body approach to treatment," said Dr. Ta. "This means that in addition to injury rehabilitation and pain management, we seek to improve our patient's overall health as much as possible."

Individuals may learn more about wellness care and natural treatments at