Procedure for listing of AS “Latvenergo” additional issue of the first series bonds initiated

In accordance with the documents received on January 25, 2013, NASDAQ OMX Riga started the procedure for listing AS “Latvenergo” additional issue of the first series bonds on Baltic Bond list.

Temporary ISIN* Nominal value Issue amount** Currency Maturity date
LV0010801098 1 000 30 000 000 EUR 15.12.2017

* In accordance with the final terms of the additional issue of the first series bonds its temporary ISIN code is LV0010801098. Upon admission of the additional bonds to the regulated market they will have one common ISIN code LV0000801090 with the EUR 20,000,000 bonds that were issued on December 19, 2012 and are already listed on the Baltic Bond list as of January 23, 2013.

** The final issue amount will be determined on the issue settlement date January 30, 2013.

The resolutions made during the listing procedure will be published separately.

Final Terms of additional issue of the first series bonds attached.

Baltic Market
Issuer Services
+371 67 212 431


Latvenergo Final Terms 21_01_2013.pdf