Fourth quarter 2012

  • Consolidated net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2012 amounted to SEK 1,052 M (1,042) with organic growth of 7 percent (4).
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to SEK 230 M (228). The operating earnings include revaluations of purchased debt portfolios amounting to a negative SEK 48 M (7) and non-recurring costs of SEK 17 M (8). Revaluations of purchased debt in Germany are included amounting to a negative SEK 52 M, while non-recurring costs of SEK 17 M involve the impairment of IT systems in Germany, as communicated previously.
  • The operating margin was 22 percent (22). Excluding revaluations of purchased debt portfolios, the operating margin was 25 percent (22).
  • Net earnings for the quarter amounted to SEK 176 M (163) and earnings per share were SEK 2.19 (2.04).
  • Disbursements for investments in purchased debt amounted to SEK 753 M (498).
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 614 M (575).

Full-year 2012

  • Consolidated revenues during the 2012 full-year amounted to SEK 4,056 M (3,950) with organic growth of 6 percent (2).
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to SEK 879 M (868). The operating earnings include revaluations of purchased debt portfolios amounting to a negative SEK 83 M (19).
  • The operating margin was 22 percent (22). Excluding revaluations of purchased debt portfolios, the operating margin was 23 percent (22).
  • Net earnings for the full-year amounted to SEK 584 M (553) and earnings per share were SEK 7.32 (6.91).
  • Disbursements for investments in purchased debt amounted to SEK 2,014 M (1,804).
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 1,963 M (1,768).
  • The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 5.00 per share (4.50), totaling SEK 399 M.


Presentation of the year-end report
The year-end report and presentation material are available at relations. President & CEO Lars Wollung and CFO Erik Forsberg will comment on the report at a video and teleconference today, starting at 9:00 a.m. CET.
The presentation can be followed at and/or To participate by phone, call +46 (0)8 505 564 87(SE) or +44 (0)20 336 453 71(UK).

For further information, please contact:

Lars Wollung, President and CEO
Tel.: +46 (0)8-546 10 200

Erik Forsberg, CFO
Tel.: +46 (0)8-546 10 200

