Danske Bank reports net profit of DKK 4.7 billion (EUR 636.6 million) for 2012


To the editor

7 February 2013



Danske Bank reports net profit of DKK 4.7 billion (EUR 636.6 million) for 2012


Danske Bank has announced its financial results for 2012. The annual report is available at www.danskebank.com. Highlights are shown below:


  • In 2012, Danske Bank Group posted a profit before tax of DKK 8.6 billion (EUR 1,148.5 million). The net profit was DKK 4.7 billion (EUR 636.6 million), up DKK 3.0 billion (EUR 405.6 million) from the level in 2011. The results were generally in line with expectations.


  • Although interest rates were low in 2012, the Group’s earnings initiatives, improved conditions in the capital markets and cost-reduction initiatives led to improved financial results.


  • Total income amounted to DKK 47.7 billion (EUR 6,391.7 million), up 10% from the year-earlier level.


  • Improved conditions in the capital markets increased net trading income, which totalled DKK 8.9 billion (EUR 1,193.1 million), up 22% from the level in 2011. Trading volumes remained relatively high throughout the year.


  • Expenses were up slightly from the level in 2011. The cost/income ratio improved from 59.9% in 2011 to 55.8% in 2012, however.


  • Loan impairment charges were down 5%, and charges have fallen each quarter since the fourth quarter of 2011.The decline occurred mainly because of lower charges at our banking units in Denmark, Northern Ireland and Ireland (including Non-core Ireland).


  • In the second quarter of 2012, Danske Bank’s credit ratings were lowered by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (S&P).


  • In October 2012, the Group issued new shares for an amount of DKK 7.1 billion (EUR 951.69 million) to accelerate the achievement of its rating and capital targets. Shortly after the issue, S&P’s changed its credit rating outlook for Danske Bank from stable to positive.


  • The core tier 1 capital and total capital ratios were solid at 14.5% and 21.3%, against 11.8% and 17.9% at the end of 2011.


  • At the end of 2012, the Group’s Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) was 121%, which is well above the requirement expected to take effect in 2015.


  • The Board of Directors will recommend to the general meeting that no dividend be paid for 2012.


  • The Group expects the net profit for 2013 to range from DKK 7.5-10.0 billion (EUR 1,005-1,340 million), corresponding to a return on equity of 5.5-7.0% after tax.



“These are our best financial results since 2007 and it is definitely a step in the right direction,” says Eivind Kolding, Chief Executive Officer.“The earnings initiatives we have implemented are starting to produce results. The earnings and cost-reduction initiatives, together with improved conditions in the capital markets, have brought about improvements in 2012. We are in full swing with the implementation of our strategy that will ensure we achieve our targets in 2015.”


Danske Bank



Contacts available on 7 February 2013 from 10am CET:

Eivind Kolding, Chief Executive Officer, tel. +45 45 14 60 01

Henrik Ramlau-Hansen, Head of Group Finance & Legal, tel. +45 45 14 06 66

Martin Gottlob, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +45 45 14 07 92


The annual report will be presented at a press conference at 10am CET. Danske Bank will hold a conference call at 3pm CET. The press conference and conference call will be webcast live at www.danskebank.com. More information about Danske Bank Group’s financial results is available at www.danskebank.com/reports.



(DKK millions) 2012 2011 12/11 2010 2009 2008
Net interest income 24,788 23,537 105 23,843 27,524 27,005
Net fee income 8,782 8,298 106 8,699 7,678 8,110
Net trading income 8,901 7,325 122 7,707 18,244 6,076
Other income 2,951 3,648 81 3,882 3,083 3,585
Net income from insurance business 2,263 569 - 2,146 2,810 -1,733
Total income 47,685 43,377 110 46,277 59,339 43,043
Expenses 26,588 25,987 102 26,010 28,907 28,726
Profit before loan impairment charges 21,097 17,390 121 20,267 30,432 14,317
Loan impairment charges 12,529 13,185 95 13,817 25,677 12,088
Profit before tax 8,568 4,205 204 6,450 4,755 2,229
Tax 3,819 2,482 154 2,786 3,042 1,193
Net profit for the year 4,749 1,723 276 3,664 1,713 1,036
Attributable to non-controlling interests 4 11 36 3 -14 25


(DKK millions)
Due from credit institutions and central banks 113,657 74,041 154 89,619 109,236 79,795
Repo loans 307,177 256,027 120 306,962 239,183 369,999
Loans and advances 1,674,390 1,698,025 99 1,679,965 1,669,552 1,785,323
Trading portfolio assets 812,927 909,755 89 641,993 620,052 860,788
Investment securities 107,724 109,264 99 118,556 118,979 140,793
Assets under insurance contracts 241,343 230,668 105 217,515 196,944 181,259
Other assets 227,963 146,623 155 159,276 144,531 126,017
Total assets 3,485,181 3,424,403 102 3,213,886 3,098,477 3,543,974
Due to credit institutions and central banks 241,241 177,592 136 175,825 184,653 434,334
Repo deposits 359,276 269,515 133 202,603 182,164 202,785
Deposits 788,507 795,275 99 800,613 803,932 800,297
Bonds issued by Realkredit Danmark 614,325 557,699 110 555,486 517,055 479,534
Other issued bonds 340,005 366,920 93 450,219 514,601 526,606
Trading portfolio liabilities 531,860 697,913 76 478,386 380,567 623,290
Liabilities under insurance contracts 266,938 248,966 107 238,132 223,876 210,988
Other liabilities 137,010 117,340 117 130,544 110,968 110,033
Subordinated debt 67,785 67,328 101 77,336 80,002 57,860
Shareholders' equity 138,234 125,855 110 104,742 100,659 98,247
Total liabilities and equity 3,485,181 3,424,403 102 3,213,886 3,098,477 3,543,974


Earnings per share (DKK) 5.1 1.9 4.9 2.3 1.4
Diluted earnings per share (DKK) 5.1 1.9 4.9 2.3 1.4
Return on average shareholders' equity (%) 3.7 1.4 3.6 1.7 1.0
Cost/income ratio (%) 55.8 59.9 56.2 48.7 66.7
Total capital ratio (%) 21.3 17.9 17.7 17.8 13.0
Core tier 1 capital ratio (%) 14.5 11.8 10.1 9.5 8.1
Share price (end of year) (DKK) 95.7 73.0 132.3 109.2 48.1
Book value per share (DKK) 137.9 135.7 140.0 134.8 131.7
Full-time-equivalent staff (end of year) 20,308 21,320 21,522 22,093 23,624


(DKK millions) 2012 2011 12/11 2010 2009 2008
Capital base and total capital ratio
Shareholders' equity 138,234 125,855 110 104,742 100,659 98,247
Revaluation of domicile property at fair value 1,048 1,281 82 1,253 1,275 1,410
Pension obligations at fair value -235 348 - -73 -1,155 486
Tax effect -57 -58 98 2 262 -163
Reserves in undertakings consolidated on a pro rata basis 3,002 2,991 100 3,002 2,984 2,979
Shareholders' equity calculated in accordance with the rules of the Danish FSA 141,992 130,417 109 108,926 104,025 102,959
Expected dividends - - - - - -
Intangible assets of banking operations -21,279 -22,127 96 -22,666 -23,140 -25,204
Deferred tax assets -1,389 -1,600 87 -1,548 -2,223 -971
Deferred tax on intangible assets 642 923 70 1,069 1,229 1,433
Revaluation of domicile property -642 -743 86 -675 -753 -924
Other statutory deductions -227 -44 516 - - -
Core tier 1 capital 119,097 106,826 111 85,106 79,138 77,293
Hybrid capital 40,248 42,366 95 42,208 41,099 13,640
Difference between expected losses and impairment charges - - - - - -
Statutory deduction for insurance subsidiaries -4,292 -4,175 103 -2,422 -2,308 -2,555
Other statutory deductions -19 - - -55 - -31
Tier 1 capital 155,034 145,017 107 124,837 117,929 88,347
Subordinated debt, excluding hybrid capital 23,009 20,480 112 26,710 31,969 35,023
Revaluation of domicile property - - - - - 1,120
Difference between expected losses and impairment charges 642 743 86 675 753 924
Statutory deduction for insurance subsidiaries - - - - - 2,036
Other statutory deductions -4,292 -4,175 103 -2422 -2,308 -2,555
Subordinated debt, excluding hybrid capital -19 - - -55 - -31
Capital base 174,374 162,065 108 149,745 148,343 124,864
Risk-weighted assets 819,436 905,979 90 844,209 834,242 960,079
Core tier 1 capital ratio (%) 14.5 11.8 10.1 9.5 8.1
Tier 1 capital ratio (%) 18.9 16.0 14.8 14.1 9.2
Total capital ratio (%) 21.3 17.9 17.7 17.8 13.0


(DKK millions) 2012 2011 12/11 2012 2012 2012
Net interest income 6,200 6,182 100 6,198 6,218 6,172
Net fee income 2,653 2,218 120 2,116 2,026 1,987
Net trading income 1,432 1,638 87 1,785 2,462 3,222
Other income 628 849 74 689 846 788
Net income from insurance business 953 976 98 427 699 184
Total income 11,866 11,863 100 11,215 12,251 12,353
Expenses 6,990 6,459 108 6,116 6,632 6,850
Profit before loan impairment charges 4,876 5,404 90 5,099 5,619 5,503
Loan impairment charges 2,619 4,789 55 2,879 3,109 3,922
Profit before tax 2,257 615 367 2,220 2,510 1,581
Tax 1,111 415 268 903 1,007 798
Net profit for the year 1,146 200 573 1,317 1,503 783
Attributable to non-controlling interests - -1 - 5 -1 -



Danske Bank Group Risk Management 2012.pdf Danske Bank press release 7 February 2013.pdf Danske Bank Group Annual Report 2012.pdf