Active Biotech AB Year-end report January - December 2012

Events for the full year 2012

  • Phase III data presented at the AAN (64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology)
  • Application submitted for regulatory approval in the EU, milestone payment of USD 5 M from Teva
  • Teva initiates a Phase III study in multiple sclerosis (the CONCERTO study) in the US
  • Positive Crohn's Phase II data presented at the UEGW conference
  • Teva expands the clinical development program to encompass new indications


  • EUR 10 M milestone payment from Ipsen upon 600 patients enrolled in Phase III study
  • overall survival data from Phase II study presented
  • biomarker data presented at the ESMO conference
  • Ipsen initiated two new Phase II trials; a "switch maintenance" in prostate cancer and
    a second study into additional cancer forms
  • Phase III study fully enrolled (1,245 patients); milestone payment of EUR 10 M from Ipsen           


  • Phase II/III study in renal cell cancer concluded
  •  Results presented during Q1, 2013:
     - study did not achieve primary clinical endpoint
     - doubling of progression free survival and OS in 25 % of patients
    planning of the continued clinical development ongoing


  • clinical trial of systemic sclerosis/scleroderma concluded


  • focus on patent submissions H1 2013
  • project proceeds as planned
         Oct - Dec            Jan - Dec
 (MSEK) 2012 2011 2012 2011
  •      Net sales
91.5 3.3 227.9 234.6
  •      Operating profit/loss
5.5 -94.7 -163.2 -100.9
  •      Net profit/loss
 0.1 -93.2 -175.0 -94.5
  •      Profit/loss per share (SEK)
 0.00 -1.35 -2.54 -1.38

For further information, please contact:

Tomas Leanderson, President and CEO Tel: +46 (0)46 19 20 95                                         
Hans Kolam, CFO Tel: +46 (0)46 19 20 44
Active Biotech AB (Corp. Reg. No. 556223-9227)
Box 724, SE-220 07 Lund
Tel: +46 (0)46 19 20 00, Fax +46 (0)46 19 11 00
This report is also available at


Active Biotech AB Year-end report Jan-Dec 2012