Correction: Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended 31 December 2012

Stock Exchange Release
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
15 February 2013

        Correction: Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for
                        the year ended 31 December 2012

Correction to Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended
31 December  2012 published  on  14 February  2013 at  7:00 GMT  / 9:00 EET. The
annual results review incorrectly states on page 2 in the Key Figures table that
all  figures in the review  have been audited. In  the review, only figures that
have been specifically identified as such, are audited.

The  correction also applies  to the Finnish  language annual results review for
the year ended 31 December 2012.

The corrected table is as follows:

Key Figures
 EUR million                                    |      Q4|    Q4|     FY|    FY
                                                |    2012|  2011|   2012|  2011
 Net sales                                      |    25.7|  66.5|  142.9| 231.2
 Operating profit (loss)                        |  (57.0)|  14.9| (83.6)|  30.9
       % of net sales                           |(221.9%)| 22.5%|(58.5)%| 13.4%
 Profit (loss) for the period                   |  (59.4)|   3.7|(103.9)| (5.2)
 Earnings per share, EUR                        |  (0.22)|  0.01| (0.38)|(0.04)
 Equity-to-assets ratio                         |   24.3%| 27.9%|  24.3%| 27.9%
 Net interest bearing debt                      |   563.8| 455.7|  563.8| 455.7
 Debt-to-equity ratio                           |  183.8%|141.3%| 183.3%|141.3%
 Capital expenditure                            |    29.6|  21.6|   97.5|  79.1
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the    |    36.1|  40.0|   36.1|  40.0
 period                                         |        |      |       |
 Number of employees at the end of the period   |     588|   461|    588|   461

The  corrected annual results review for  the year ended 31 December 2012 can be
found  on the Talvivaara corporate website
and attached as a PDF file to the Stock Exchange Release.

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel +358 20 7129 800
Pekka Perä, CEO
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, Deputy CEO and CFO

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
Talvivaara Mining Company is an internationally significant base metals producer
with  its  primary  focus  on  nickel  and  zinc  using  a  technology  known as
bioheapleaching  to extract metals out  of ore. Bioheapleaching makes extraction
of  metals  from  low  grade  ore  economically  viable. The Talvivaara deposits
comprise  one of the largest known sulphide  nickel resources in Europe. The ore
body  is  estimated  to  support  anticipated  production  for  several decades.
Talvivaara has secured a 10-year off-take agreement for 100 per cent of its main
output  of nickel and cobalt to Norilsk Nickel and entered into a long-term zinc
streaming  agreement with Nyrstar  NV. Talvivaara is  listed on the London Stock
Exchange  Main Market and NASDAQ OMX  Helsinki. Further information can be found



Talvivaara annual results review for the year ended 31 Dec 12 14.2.12.pdf