YEAR-END REPORT, 1 January –31 December 2012

Financing secured for newly ordered vessels

Half of the P-MAX fleet upgraded to IMO 3

Board proposes to the AGM a dividend of SEK 0.50 (1.00)
Full year 2012

Total income, SEK million 543.4
EBITDA, SEK million 228.4
Operating result before impairment, SEK million 77.5
Impairment, SEK million -411.0
Operating result after impairment, SEK million -333.5
Result after tax, SEK million -356.0
Result per share, SEK -7.46
EBITDA, USD million 33.7
Available liquid funds 1),SEK million 484.0

1)                Including unutilised available credit facilities
Hans Norén, President, +46 704 855101
Anna Forshamn, CFO, +46 704 855172
Concordia Maritime is an international tanker shipping company. Our focus is on
cost-effective and safe transportation of refined petroleum products and
vegetable oils. The company's B shares were admitted to trading on Nasdaq OMX
Stockholm in 1984.

