Proposed nominations Board of Management and Supervisory Board Wereldhave

The Hague, the Netherlands, 2013-03-01 07:53 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wereldhave will propose the nomination of a CFO and two members of the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at April 22, 2013. Mr. P.H.J. Essers will retire by rotation from the Supervisory Board. Having reached the maximum term in office of eight years, he is not available for re-election.

Nomination of a CFO

Mr. P. Roozenboom (Pieter, 41) will be proposed as CFO and member of the Board of Management of Wereldhave N.V. He is currently employed by Merin Concern B.V. (previously known as Uni-Invest Holding B.V.). The appointment will be for a term of four years.

Proposed nominations Supervisory Board

Ms. F.C. Weijtens (Femke, 45) is proposed as successor of Mr. Essers. Reasons for the nomination of Ms. Weijtens are her broad international managerial and legal experience, more specifically on the areas of compliance and corporate governance and her expertise on social responsibility, especially in designing sustainability strategies. Ms. Weijtens main current position is Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs DSM N.V.

As fifth member of the Supervisory Board the nomination is proposed of Mr. J.A. Bomhoff (Joost, 64), thus strengthening the specific commercial real estate knowledge within the Board. Mr. Bomhoff has been a member of the Board of Management of Rodamco Europe / Unibail-Rodamco for many years.


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Wereldhave N.V. will be held on April 22, 2013, 11.00h CET, at the Kurhaus, Scheveningen. The agenda for the meeting with a short curriculum vitae of the nominated persons and the main remuneration details will be available as from March 11, 2013 on


         Information for the press:
         Richard W. Beentjes
         T + 31 70 346 93 25
         Information for analysts:
         Jaap-Jan Fit
         T + 31 70 307 45 43