Source: RSVP Publications

RSVP(R) Survey Reveals That Even the Affluent Love Deals and Direct Mail

Direct Marketing Research Indicates That Affluent Consumers Want to Save Money

TAMPA, Fla., April 3, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In an independent survey of affluent recipients of RSVP luxury card packs, recipients indicated they prefer and open the RSVP packs because they "save them money."

"Advertisers may find it surprising that this affluent demographic likes to save money as much as anyone else," says Dave Tropf, RSVP CEO. "In fact, another study, conducted by NCH, indicates that coupon usage actually increases as household income rises and that more than 96 percent of consumers with annual incomes exceeding $100,000 use coupons."

The study conducted by On Target Research of RSVP direct marketing consumers in three major U.S. markets revealed these major findings:

  • Consumers say they open and enjoy looking through RSVP because it "saves me money." RSVP targets an upscale demographic and it seems clear that this demographic likes to save money. Of the consumers surveyed, 84 percent said they often or sometimes open RSVP packets, and 94 percent said they enjoy looking through them.
  • RSVP drives consumers online. When consumers find a postcard that interests them, the majority will go online to learn more. Even among an older demographic, many go online to get more information about RSVP advertisers: 55 percent of RSVP consumers ages 40-60 years said they would go online and 52 percent said they would call. An Oracle white paper underscores this point by noting that consumers use computers to browse and research, but also go to physical stores; with as many as 30 percent using three or more channels for a single transaction. 
  • RSVP has shelf life and is a preferred channel. When consumers find a postcard of interest, they will use it, or save it for future use. In addition, direct marketing consumers selected postcards as a favorite ad format. Epsilon research indicates that 50 percent of U.S. consumers pay more attention to postal mail than email and 26 percent said direct mail is more trustworthy than email.

Tropf adds that RSVP's research findings are consistent with comments they receive from the company's advertisers and consumers. One consumer from Baltimore recently wrote, "I always find savings on something I was thinking about or else find a company or service I didn't know existed. Thanks for bringing the cards to my house!" Winston Moss, franchise owner of RSVP Richmond, reported that a paving stone advertiser received a phone call in February from an RSVP postcard mailed the previous September, and landed a $125,000 paving stone project.

"We want consumers to think of RSVP for savings and values, so we added a sweepstakes to our spring mailings for a chance to win a new Mercedes-Benz®," says Tropf. "Our upscale consumers are responding incredibly well, with survey responses increasing by up to 50 percent in some markets and an uptick in calls to advertisers. Going forward, we want to continue this momentum to integrate the value of direct mail with interactive media to create even stronger consumer messages."

About RSVP: 

Based in Tampa, Fla., RSVP Publications ( is an upscale cooperative direct mailer, mailing to the top 7 million+ owner-occupied homes in the United States. Each mailing is designed to present the highest quality products and services, using glossy, full color postcards to attract attention, generate response and maintain a positive image for clients.