The board meeting of SC "Klaipėdos baldai" has prepared resolution projects for stockholders meeting and vote:

1. The supervisory council reviews and proposals concerning the financial accountability of SC "Klaipėdos baldai" for 2012, profit distribution Project and company report for 2012 by the board meeting.

Resolution: approve the supervisory council auditor .

2. The auditor report concerning the financial accountability of SC „Klaipėdos baldai“ for 2012.

Resolution: approve the report auditor.

3. Financial accountability consolidation for 2012.

Resolution: approve the financial accountability for 2012.

4. Profit distribution for 2012.

Resolution: approve the profit distribution as it follows:

Distribution of profit of the year 2012 (draft)


Articles Amount in thousands LTL Amount in thousands EUR
Profit (loss) brought forward from the previous financial year at the end of the current financial year 49 068 14 211
Net profit (loss) for the current financial year 4 995 1 447
Profit (loss) of financial year not recognized in the statement of comprehensive income (74) (21)
Transferred depreciation of revaliuation reserve 1 084 314
Transfer  to reserve for acquisition of own shares 500 145
Profit (loss) from the cancellation of own shares (1 089) (315)
Distributable profit 53 484 15 490
Distribution of the profit:    
- to legal reserves - -
- to reserve acquisition for own shares 1 000 290
-  to other reserves - -
- dividends - -
- other - -
Undistributed result -  profit (loss) at the end of the financial year 52 484        15 200


5. The approving of the auditor for 2013, the establishment of the rate for the report.

    Resolution draft is approval for vote:

   To extend the audit services contract with company – “Ernst & Young Baltic” for Year 2013. Set an annual fee for the audit services 37 000 Lt plus VAT.

Resolution: approve the extendation the audit services contract with company – “Ernst & Young Baltic” for Year 2013.

6. Resolution re share buy back.

a) To buy up to 10 percent of company shares.

b) The purpose of acquisition of own shares is to maintain and enhance the company's share price.

c) The period during which the company may buy own shares is 12 months from the decision taking date.

d) To set up the maximum price per share for own shares to be purchased - 2.00 EUR (6,9056 LTL), respectively, a minimum price of one share - equal to the nominal value per share, that is, 0.290 EUR (1,00 LTL).

e) To authorize the Board to organize the share buy back, establish share buying and selling procedures, time, number of shares and price, perform other related activities in accordance with the conditions set out in this resolution and requirements set by Republic of Lithuania Law on Companies.

Resolution: approve the share buy back resolution.


SC „Klaipedos baldai“


Ramūnas Marozas


For supplementary information contact:

Public Relations Manager of Concern “SBA”

Goda Januškevičiūtė

Tel. +370 612 07 187





