AS Tallinna Vesi operational performance for the 1st quarter of 2013

The Company has achieved a very high and stable quality level and continues to work on maintaining the high performance levels and improvements on all indicators. The Company also focuses increasingly on improving the customer service and raising the awareness of the local community about environmental issues and activities.

Operational results in 1 quarter 2013

Indicator 2012 Q1           2013 Q1
Drinking water
Compliance of water quality at the customers tap 100 % 99,87 %
Water loss in the water distribution network 17,64 % 16,88 %
Average duration of water interruptions per property      2,86 h 3,12 h
Number of customer contacts regarding water pressure 204 147
Number of sewer blockages 218 251
Number of customer contacts regarding blockages and storm water 418 422
Wastewater treatment compliance with environmental standards 100 % 100 %
Customer service    
Responding written customer contacts within at least 2 work days 99,2 % 99,1 %
Number of written contacts 44 38
Number of failed promises 3 3
Notification of unplanned water interruptions at least 1 h before the interruption 88,9 % 96,0 %

Tap water is drinking water

Tallinn’s drinking water is of a very high quality and people are safe to drink tap water. The quality of drinking water is subject to strict legal requirements and is monitored in line with the drinking water sampling programmes approved by the Health Board. In the three first months of 2013, 749 samples were taken from the consumers’ taps, of which only one was non-compliant. This outcome continues to outperform the levels of service agreed in the Services Agreement concluded with the City of Tallinn and is comparable to the water quality in Western-Europe.

Reliable service

It is important for the people to have the service available for 24h. Thus, the Company focuses on improving the security of supply. Compared to the same period in 2012, the number of customer inquiries related to water pressure has decreased by almost 30%, which demonstrates that the Company has been able to supply drinking water with the right pressure. In order to reduce inconvenience caused by interruptions to supply, in 90% of the cases customers were given advance notifications of interruptions to water supply.

Proactive customer care

The Company deems it important to focus on precautionary activities which enable the Company to react quickly and prevent more serious problems from occurring. In the 1st quarter of 2013, the number of customer complaints decreased by 9.5% compared to the same period of 2012. The Company aims to notify its customers of when their problems will be resolved. In the first quarter the Company also achieved the target to notify its customers in at least 90% of cases during the first contact of the customer what and when will be done.

In order to obtain direct feedback on the customer contacts during the last month and to be able to immediately react on a dissatisfaction or questions, we ask for customers’ feedback on a monthly basis. In the 1st quarter of 2013, the customers’ rating was 3.4 points on a 4-point scale.

Continuous work for a cleaner environment

The level of leakages has been decreasing year-on-year. Compared to the situation ten years ago we are saving around 13 000 m3 per day of good quality drinking water, which is equivalent to the amount of water used by Tartu every day. The 1st quarter of 2013 is also characterised by a reduction in leakages compared to the same period of the last year. This has been achieved by consistent efforts to improve the quality of our network management.

The Company is persistently working to reduce the risks of potential flooding and pollution. Reduction in blockages year-on-year has been possible due to several preventive actions like increasing the efficiency of jet washing of the network and long-term investments for developing the sewerage network. There were more sewer blockages in the 1st quarter of 2013 than before, which was caused by a long cold winter period that made it more difficult to perform the preventive activities such as jet washing.

         Mariliis Mia Topp
         AS Tallinna Vesi
         Head of Communications
         62 62 275