Change of company name for Diamyd Medical AB ser B (47/13)

Diamyd Medical will be listed under its new company name, Mertiva Aktiebolag and new short name MERT (short name without share class) with effect from May 6, 2013.

For details of the listed instruments please see below.


Old short name: DIAM B
New short name: MERT
Unchanged ISIN code: SE0000337917
Unchanged Round lot: 1
Unchanged orderbook ID: 18765

Redemption rights

Old short name:  DIAM SR B

New short name: MERT SR

Unchanged ISIN code: SE0005162989

Unchanged round lot: 1

Unchanged orderbook ID:  93756

Redemption shares

Old short name: DIAM IL B

New short name: MERT IL

Unchanged ISIN code: SE0005188448

Unchanged round lot: 1

Unchanged orderbook ID:  93757



For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Global Corporate Client Group at + 46 8 405 60 00.