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Source: Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc.

'Baywatch' Creator and 'Soul Surfer' Writer Michael Berk to Produce Stereo Vision's 3D Creature Feature Film and 3D Video Game Series 'Aubrey Blaze'

HOLLYWOOD, May 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc. (OTC:SVSN) announced today that 'Baywatch' creator and 'Soul Surfer' writer Michael Berk will produce their 3D Sci Fi feature film and 3D video games series 'Aubrey Blaze'.

"Michael has written a thrilling screenplay for our 3D Creature Feature" said Stereo Vision's CEO Jack Honour." With the guidance of Stereo Vision's Vice Chairman Puerto Rico's former Governor and US Congressman Governor Carlos Romeo-Barcelo, and Stereo Vision's attorney of record in Puerto Rico Antonio Sifre, who authored Puerto Rico's movie producer's tax credit legislation which has recently been upped to $350mil, we'll be producing 'Aubrey Blaze' in Puerto Rico and tapping into all available government resources there."

'Aubrey Blaze' is a female empowerment movie reminiscent of 'Laura Croft Tomb Raider' and 'Underworld' continued Honour. "The difference is you're unsure whether Aubrey Blaze is real, or just a video game character. With Stereo Vision's in house 9 time Emmy Award winning graphic design artist Paul Sidlo, who is the co-design and launch partner of Microsoft XBOX, we plan to launch a video game series simultaneous with the release of the film. Having REZN8 Chairman Charlie Weber Executive Producing will help bring that big picture feel to our 3D action adventure series. 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' and 'Empire Strikes Back' were produced during Charlie's tenure as LucasFilm's CEO."

Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc. ( Headquartered in Los Angeles, Ca., StereoVision is a publicly traded Nevada corporation focused on the delivery of high-quality, low-cost 3D entertainment content. SVE's business is driven by the acquisition and production of cutting edge 3D media assets. Responding to the growing demand for 3D content, StereoVision is developing a wide variety of 3D Intellectual Properties and technologies for the many new 3D distribution platforms.

REZN8 Inc. ( An SVE wholly owned subsidiary. Founded in 1987 the9 time Emmy Award winning Hollywood based REZN8 is well known throughout the Industry for developing the media vision for a broad spectrum of domestic and international clients across a wide range of platforms including broadcast, film, Internet, wireless, and video games. REZN8 is an acknowledged leader in 3D broadcast graphics and animation, and is a pioneer in the design and development of graphical user interfaces (GUI). REZN8 has developed identity packages for, NBC, ABC, CBS Sports, Entertainment Tonight, Fox, HBO, VH-1, Sci-Fi Channel, and Showtime. REZN8 has also been one of Microsoft's primary outside design sources for graphical user interface (GUI) including GUI design and development for Microsoft XBOX, Microsoft Home Media Center, Microsoft Windows XP, and Microsoft's Home of the Future.

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