no 41/13 NASDAQ OMX Commodities VAT invoice changes

NASDAQ OMX Commodities invoice changes for members active in European Union Allowances (EUA), Certified Emission Reductions (CER), European Union Aviation Allowances (EUAA) and Electricity Certificates (El-Certs)

NASDAQ OMX Commodities announces a new monthly VAT invoice layout for EUAs, CERs, EUAAs and El-Certs. Beginning with the June 2013 statement for May trading, each invoice line item will be aggregated on product type for VAT fees and physical deliveries. In addition, the current invoice will be separated into a billing invoice, containing VAT on fees and bought deliveries, and a self-billing invoice, including VAT on sold deliveries.

Note that the principle of ‘reverse charge’ will still apply for EUAs, CERs and EUAAs. The ‘reverse charge’ procedure is not applicable for El-Certs, i.e. ordinary  VAT applies.


For further information, please contact NASDAQ OMX Commodities:

Your contacts:

Clearing Operations, phone +46 8 405 6880,


Media contact:

Sara Aadnesen, Director Corporate Communications, phone +47 9060 0759,