Trading in Columbus A/S shares by insiders


Release no. 19/2013

Statement of transactions by members of senior management and their related parties in shares issued by Columbus A/S and related securities, cf. section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act.

The statement is based on reports received by Columbus A/S from members of its senior management today May 17th 2013:


Name: Jørgen Cadovius
Senior management employee’s position: Deputy Chairman of the Board
ISIN code: DK0010268366
Type of security: Shares
Nature of transaction: Purchase
Trading date: 17 May 2013
Market in which transaction was executed: NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number of securities traded: 50,250
Market value (DKK) of securities traded: 112,082



Contact for further details

CFO, Hans Henrik Thrane, T: (+45) 70 20 50 00.



Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing version.



