Lothar Geilen elected to the CITA Bureau Permanent

Opus Group’s Division manager for Vehicle Inspection Lothar Geilen was elected
to the CITA Bureau Permanent (BP) at the 2013 CITA General Assembly and
Conference in Seville, Spain this week.
The function of the CITA Bureau Permanent is managing the association and
providing strategic direction between General Assemblies.
“I am honored by the opportunity to join the Bureau Permanent”, said Mr. Geilen.
“Advancing the art and science of vehicle inspection is crucial to improving
road safety and air quality. This election represents the confidence that the
CITA membership has in Opus Group’s role in the global vehicle inspection
industry. I look forward to working with my fellow BP members.”

CITA is the international association of public and private sector organizations
actively performing mandatory inspection of in-service motor vehicles and their
trailers. CITA:
• develops best practice recommendations and drafts international standards;
• co-ordinates research, studies and investigations;
• organizes conferences and seminars; and
• works to improve and harmonies:
- inspection methods, standards and equipment;
- quality control, quality assurance and accreditation;
- training for inspectors; and
- information systems used to improve inspection consistency and effectiveness.
More information about CITA can be found on its website, http://www.cita
For additional information, please contact
Magnus Greko
President and CEO
Phone: 46 31 748 34 00
E-mail: magnus.greko@opus.se
Peter Stenström
Investor Relations
Phone: 46 765 25 84 93
E-mail: peter.stenstrom@opus.se
Opus Group's Certified Adviser
Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB
Krokslätts parkgata 4
SE-431 24 Mölndal, Sweden
Phone: 46 31 745 50 00
Opus Group is a leading company in vehicle inspection technology and vehicle
inspection program operations. The Group has two main business areas which
consist of vehicle inspection operations and equipment technology. Opus Group is
one of the market leaders in vehicle inspection operations in the US and Sweden.
Opus Bilprovning has 70 vehicle inspection stations in Sweden. Opus Group’s
subsidiary Systech operates vehicle inspection programs in the U.S., Bermuda and
Peru. Opus Group’s subsidiary ESP is active in sales and service of emission
control equipment in North America and Mexico. Through the subsidiaries, Opus
Equipment and J&B Maskinteknik, Opus Group conducts production, sales and
service of emission control equipment for vehicle inspection companies and
vehicle workshops. Opus Groups revenues amounted to approx. SEK 469 million in
2012. Opus Group’s shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX First North Premier.

