PositiveID and Its Firefly Technology Featured in a New Audio Interview at SmallCapVoice.com

AUSTIN, Texas, June 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SmallCapVoice.com, Inc. announced today that a new audio interview with PositiveID Corporation ("PositiveID" or "Company") (OTCBB:PSID), a developer of biological detection and diagnostics solutions, is now available. The interview can be heard at http://smallcapvoice.com/blog/6-4-13-smallcapvoice-interview-with-positiveid-corporation-psid

Lyle L. Probst, President of PositiveID's Microfluidic Systems subsidiary, called into SmallCapVoice.com to discuss the evolution of the Company's technology from its M-BAND (Microfluidics-based Bioagent Networked Detector) airborne bio-threat detector to a handheld device being designed to be used anywhere, anytime to test for biological agents, called Firefly.

The goal of Firefly is to take the Company's patented molecular diagnostic technology underlying M-BAND, and implement it in a handheld device. Firefly is being designed as a portable, point-of-need molecular diagnostic system to provide test results from sample input through reporting of results in less than 15 to 30 minutes.

About PositiveID Corporation

PositiveID Corporation is an emerging growth company and developer of biological detection systems for America's homeland defense industry as well as rapid biological testing. PositiveID is focused on the development of microfluidic systems for the automated preparation of and performance of biological assays in order to detect biological threats at high-value locations, as well as analyze samples in a medical environment. For more information on PositiveID, please visit http://www.PositiveIDCorp.com.

About SmallCapVoice.com

SmallCapVoice.com is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. SmallCapVoice.com utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks, audio interviews, as well as its clients' financial news releases. SmallCapVoice.com also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about SmallCapVoice.com and their services, please visit http://www.smallcapvoice.com/services.html">http://www.smallcapvoice.com/services.html.

Statements about PositiveID's future expectations, including, without limitation, the likelihood that the Company is designing a handheld device to be used anywhere, anytime to test for biological agents, called Firefly; the likelihood that Firefly will be a handheld device; the likelihood that Firefly is being designed as a portable, point-of-need molecular diagnostic system to provide test results from sample input through reporting of results in less than 15 to 30 minutes.; and all statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and PositiveID's actual results could differ materially from expected results. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the Company's ability to target the bio-threat detection and rapid biological testing sectors; the Company's ability to attract the research and development capital to complete the development of Firefly; as well as other risks. Additional information about these and other factors that could affect the Company's business is set forth in the Company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth in the Company's 10-K filed on April 16, 2013 under the caption "Risk Factors." The Company undertakes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this statement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.


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