Lean Manufacturing Approach Increases Total Depot Repair Capabilities by 267%

ARCA's Depot Repair Center Focuses on Single Piece Flow to Improve Productivity

MEBANE, N.C., June 11, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ARCA, a global leader in the cash automation industry, has seen tremendous growth in its Depot Repair Center's efficiency and output since instituting the Lean Manufacturing approach in March. This department, which services and repairs components related to cash handling, has increased its monthly dispenser capacity by 312% and cassette capacity by 250%.

The Lean manufacturing approach, originally developed by Toyota executive Taiichi Ohno, involves never-ending efforts to reduce waste in manufacturing, design, distribution and customer service. By creating a Lean culture within the Depot Repair Center, operations have become more streamlined, capacities have increased, and there has been an upsurge in output. 

"Depot repair has increased output on high-volume refurbished parts by going to the Lean process of single piece flow," said Depot Repair Supervisor Chris Cornett. "Single piece flow takes one long process and breaks it down into multiple shorter processes which increases efficiency without compromising quality. It really helps us identify problems at earlier stages in the process, rather than at the final quality control checkpoint."

After seeing Lean's success within the Depot Repair Center, ARCA has moved to integrate the philosophy throughout the company. Anthony Henry, ARCA's Lean Change Agent, is overseeing the process.

"In order to create a Lean culture, you really have to take it one process at a time," Henry said. "We've focused on taking a step-by-step approach and so far the results have been tremendous.   We've only scratched the surface.  Watching the Lean light bulb come on has been enriching, as well as insightful."

About ARCA

We provide technology and services to help people control cash in bank branches, retail stores and self-service kiosks. Since the company began in 1998, ARCA has experienced strong, consistent growth and now has operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, India and China. As more companies seek new and better ways to serve their customers with transaction automation solutions, and with the continued growth of the self-service industry, ARCA's vision and commitment to customer service and technological innovation have helped the company become an industry leader. To find out more about ARCA, visit www.arcatechsystems.com, e-mail info@arcatechsystems.com or call (919) 442-5200.


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