Correcting report: Resolutions concluded by the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of Arctic Paper S.A. on 28th June 2013 - PL version.

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. („the Company”) provides for public
information, as attached, the contents of corrected resolutions concluded by the
Ordinary Shareholders Meeting on 28th June 2013 („OSM”) (including changes of
the Company’s Articles of Association).

The correction regards the contents of the resolution no. 6 the submitted by a
shareholder in the Polish language version only.

Due to the incorrect notarial deed, the contents of the erroneous § 1 of the
resolution no. 6 was:

“The Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company decided to allocate the net
profit in the amount of: PLN 13.529.141,36 (in words: thirteen million five
hundred twenty nine thousand one hundred forty one zloty 36/100) as follows:

(i) to designate the amount of PLN 1.082.331,31 (in words: one million eighty
two hundred three hundred thirty one zloty 31/100) for spare capital of the
Company, pursuant to art. 396 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code;

(ii) the remaining amount PLN 12.446.810,05 (in words: twelve million four
hundred forty six thousand eight hundred ten zloty 05/100) for payment of a

The correct contents of the § 1 of the resolution no. 6 is:

“The Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company decided to allocate the net
profit in the amount of: PLN 13.529.141,36 (in words: thirteen million five
hundred twenty nine thousand one hundred forty one zloty 36/100) as follows:

(i) to designate the amount of PLN 1.082.331,31 (in words: one million eighty
two hundred three hundred thirty one zloty 31/100) for spare capital of the
Company, pursuant to art. 396 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code;

(ii) the remaining amount PLN 12.446.810,05 (in words: twelve million four
hundred forty six thousand eight hundred ten zloty 05/100) for reserve capital,
with a possibility of future utilization of this amount for the payment of a
dividend or for other legally permitted purpose.”

The English version of the published resolutions was correct.
For additional information, please contact:

Olle Grundberg, chairman of the supervisory board of Arctic Paper, tel. +46 70
654 44 20

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities
and conditions of recognizing information required by law of a non-EU state as
equivalent § 38 section 1 items 2, 7, 8 and 9 in reference to § 6 item 2, and
was submitted for publication on 30 June 2013 at 2:30 pm CET, in reference to
Arctic Paper’s current report no. 29/2013/K filed with the Warsaw Stock

