Stora Enso Interim Review January–June 2013

Solid cash flow, further transformation steps launched

Helsinki, Finland, 2013-07-19 12:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STORA ENSO OYJ INTERIM REVIEW 19 July 2013 at 13.00 EET

Q2/2013 (compared with Q2/2012)

  • Operational EBIT EUR 124 (EUR 144) million. Improvement in Building and Living and in Renewable Packaging. Printing and Reading loss-making due to weak paper market.
  • Solid cash flow from operations at EUR 344 (EUR 246) million due to reduction in working capital, especially in paper business. Cash flow after investing activities EUR 227 (EUR 74) million.

Q2/2013 (compared with Q1/2013)

  • Operational EBIT EUR 124 (EUR 118) million.
  • Ratio of net debt to the last twelve months’ operational EBITDA 2.7 (2.7).
  • Cash flow from operations EUR 344 (EUR 101) million. Strong liquidity at EUR 1.8 (EUR 1.7) billion.

Q1-Q2/2013 (compared with Q1-Q2/2012)

  • Operational EBIT at EUR 242 (EUR 294) million.
  • Solid cash flow from operations at EUR 445 (EUR 469) million.


  • To accelerate access to the growing Chinese market, Stora Enso will launch its integrated mill project in Guangxi, China in two phases, starting with building a consumer board machine. First phase capital expenditure expected to be EUR 760 million.
  • Montes del Plata Pulp Mill estimated to begin mill start-up process at the end of Q3/2013.
  • Stora Enso to invest EUR 32 million in a world-class biorefinery at Sunila Mill in Finland.

Streamlining and structure simplification

  • Streamlining and structure simplification plans to achieve annual net fixed cost savings of EUR 200 million proceeding on schedule.


  • Q3/2013 sales expected to be slightly lower and operational EBIT in line with or slightly higher than Q2/2013.

Summary of Second Quarter Results*

    Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12
Sales EUR million 2 717 2 667 2 721
Operational EBITDA EUR million 247 240 251
Operational EBIT** EUR million 124 118 144
Operating profit (IFRS) EUR million 74 20 155
Profit before tax excl. NRI EUR million 60 55 31
Profit/loss before tax EUR million 27 -36 85
Net profit excl. NRI EUR million 45 56 13
Net profit/loss EUR million 21 -16 69
EPS excl. NRI EUR 0.05 0.07 0.02
EPS EUR 0.02 -0.02 0.08
CEPS excl. NRI EUR 0.24 0.25 0.20
Operational ROCE % 5.8 5.4 6.6

* Data for the comparative periods have been restated following adoption of the amended IAS 19 Employee Benefits standard. Data for the comparative periods have been restated in all tables affected by IAS 19. For further details, please see Basis of Preparation on page 14.
** Operational EBIT comprises the operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations of the segments and Stora Enso’s share of the operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations of its equity accounted investments (EAI). Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in EAI.

Stora Enso Deliveries and Production

  Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Paper and board deliveries
(1 000 tonnes)
2 508 2 496 2 574 5 004 5 123 10 268 -2.6 0.5 -2.3
Paper and board production
(1 000 tonnes)
2 496 2 519 2 610 5 015 5 186 10 357 -4.4 -0.9 -3.3
Wood products deliveries
(1 000 m3)
1 345 1 147 1 292 2 492 2 446 4 750 4.1 17.3 1.9
Market pulp deliveries
(1 000 tonnes)*
303 288 246 591 507 1 058 23.2 5.2 16.6
Corrugated packaging deliveries
(million m2)
271 260 282 531 543 1 097 -3.9 4.2 -2.2

* Stora Enso’s net market pulp position is expected to be about 1.2 million tonnes for 2013.

Key Figures

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 2 717 2 667 2 721 5 384 5 394 10 815 -0.1 1.9 -0.2
Operational EBITDA 247 240 251 487 516 1 094 -1.6 2.9 -5.6
Operational EBITDA margin, % 9.1 9.0 9.2 9.0 9.6 10.1 -1.1 1.1 -6.3
Operational EBIT 124 118 144 242 294 630 -13.9 5.1 -17.7
Operational EBIT margin, % 4.6 4.4 5.3 4.5 5.5 5.8 -13.2 4.5 -18.2
Operating profit (IFRS) 74 20 155 94 282 701 -52.3 270.0 -66.7
Operating margin (IFRS), % 2.7 0.7 5.7 1.7 5.2 6.5 -52.6 285.7 -67.3
Profit before tax excl. NRI 60 55 31 115 132 317 93.5 9.1 -12.9
Profit/loss before tax 27 -36 85 -9 175 481 -68.2 175.0 -105.1
Net profit for the period excl. NRI 45 56 13 101 93 263 246.2 -19.6 8.6
Net profit/loss for the period 21 -16 69 5 143 490 -69.6 231.3 -96.5
Capital expenditure 86 61 154 147 216 556 -44.2 41.0 -31.9
Depreciation and impairment charges excl. NRI 145 146 141 291 284 583 2.8 -0.7 2.5
Operational ROCE, % 5.8 5.4 6.6 5.7 6.8 7.3 -12.1 7.4 -16.2
Earnings per share (EPS) excl. NRI, EUR 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.12 0.12 0.33 150.0 -28.6 -
EPS (basic), EUR 0.02 -0.02 0.08 0.00 0.17 0.61 -75.0 200.0 -100.0
Cash earnings per share (CEPS) excl. NRI, EUR 0.24 0.25 0.20 0.49 0.48 1.07 20.0 -4.0 2.1
CEPS, EUR 0.20 0.21 0.26 0.41 0.54 1.28 -23.1 -4.8 -24.1
Return on equity (ROE), % 1.5 -1.1 4.7 0.2 4.9 8.3 -68.1 236.4 -95.9
Debt/equity ratio 0.55 0.50 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.48 1.9 10.0 1.9
Net debt/last twelve months’ operational EBITDA 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.5 - - -
Equity per share, EUR 6.67 7.32 7.04 6.67 7.04 7.32 -5.3 -8.9 -5.3
Equity ratio, % 40.7 42.4 43.2 40.7 43.2 42.8 -5.8 -4.0 -5.8
Average number of employees 28 661 28 220 29 226 28 330 28 817 28 777 -1.9 1.6 -1.7
Average number of shares (million)                  
  periodic 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      
  cumulative 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      
  cumulative, diluted 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      

Operational EBIT comprises the operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations of the segments and Stora Enso’s share of the operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations of its equity accounted investments (EAI). Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in EAI.

NRI = Non-recurring items. These are exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations. The most common non-recurring items are capital gains, additional write-downs or reversals of write-downs, provisions for planned restructuring and penalties. Non-recurring items are normally specified individually if they exceed one cent per share.

Reconciliation of Operational Profitability

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Operational EBITDA 247 240 251 487 516 1 094 -1.6 2.9 -5.6
Equity accounted investments (EAI), operational* 22 24 34 46 62 119 -35.3 -8.3 -25.8
Depreciation and impairment excl. NRI -145 -146 -141 -291 -284 -583 -2.8 0.7 -2.5
Operational EBIT 124 118 144 242 294 630 -13.9 5.1 -17.7
Fair valuations and non-operational items** -17 -7 -34 -24 -32 -59 50.0 -142.9 25.0
Non-recurring items -33 -91 45 -124 20 130 -173.3 63.7 n/m
Operating Profit (IFRS) 74 20 155 94 282 701 -52.3 270.0 -66.7

* Group’s share of operational EBIT of equity accounted investments (EAI).
** Fair valuations and non-operational items include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in equity accounted investments (EAI) and Group's share of tax and net financial items of EAI.

Q2/2013 Results (compared with Q2/2012)

Breakdown of Sales Change Q2/2012 to Q2/2013

Q2/12, EUR million 2 721
Price and mix, % -1
Currency, % -
Volume, % 1
Other sales*, % -
Total before structural changes, % -
Structural change**, % -
Total, % -
Q2/13, EUR million 2 717

* Wood, energy, paper for recycling, by-products etc.
** Asset closures, major investments, divestments and acquisitions

Sales at Group level at EUR 2 717 million were similar to a year ago. Operational EBIT at EUR 124 million was EUR 20 million lower than a year ago. This represents an operational EBIT margin of 4.6% (5.3%).

Clearly lower sales prices in local currencies and lower volumes mainly in paper grades decreased operational EBIT by EUR 40 million and EUR 8 million, respectively. Paper and board production was curtailed by 9% (8%) and sawnwood production by 7% (7%) to manage inventories.

Fibre costs were
clearly lower, driven by prices for wood and paper for recycling. Variable costs in local currencies were EUR 25 million lower than a year earlier despite higher energy costs due to decreased allocation of green certificates in Sweden.

The average number of employees at 28 660 was 570 lower than a year ago. The number of employees decreased mainly in Sweden and Finland due to planned closures and restructurings. The number of employees increased by 340 in China.

The Group recorded non-recurring items (NRI) with a negative net impact of approximately EUR 33 million on operating profit and a positive impact of approximately EUR 9 million on income tax in its second quarter 2013 results.

Net financial items were EUR 23 million less negative than a year ago. The net interest expense increased by EUR 9 million due to the higher gross debt level and lower interest income. The fair valuation of interest rate derivatives had a positive impact of EUR 23 million. A gain of EUR 12 million from the sale of EUR 99 million of subordinated debt of the equity accounted investments Bergvik Skog and Tornator was recorded in the second quarter of 2013. The foreign exchange loss in the second quarter was EUR 6 million less than a year earlier. A non-recurring EUR 10 million positive impact due to the NewPage lease guarantee provision reversal was recorded in the second quarter of 2012.

Breakdown of Capital Employed Change Q2/2012 to Q2/2013

   Capital Employed
Q2/12, EUR million 8 641
Capital expenditure less depreciation -115
Available-for-sale: operative (mainly Pohjolan Voima (PVO)) -156
Equity accounted investments 139
Net liabilities in defined benefit plans -134
Operative working capital and other interest-free items, net -149
Net tax liabilities 140
Translation difference -109
Other changes -23
Q2/13, EUR million 8 234

The operational return on capital employed was 5.8% (6.6%). Excluding the ongoing strategic investments in Biomaterials and Renewable Packaging the operational return on capital employed would have been 7.3% (7.9%).

January–June 2013 Results (compared with January–June 2012)

Sales decreased by EUR 10 million year-on-year. Operational EBIT decreased by EUR 52 million due to notably lower prices in local currencies and lower volumes in paper grades. Fixed costs were lower and fibre costs clearly lower.

Q2/2013 Results (compared with Q1/2013)
Sales were EUR 50 million higher at EUR 2 717 million and operational EBIT was EUR 6 million higher at EUR 124 million, as anticipated. Sales prices in local currencies were higher for pulp and sawn goods, and fibre costs were lower. Fixed costs were higher mainly due to scheduled maintenance in the second quarter at several European mills. The average number of employees at 28 660 was 440 higher due to temporary summer employees.

Capital Structure

EUR million 30 Jun 13 31 Mar 13 31 Dec 12 30 Jun 12
Operative fixed assets* 5 571 5 904 6 022 5 879
Equity accounted investments 1 999 2 058 1 965 1 948
Operative working capital, net 1 418 1 570 1 460 1 588
Non-current interest-free items, net -580 -601 -611 -462
Operating Capital Total 8 408 8 931 8 836 8 953
Net tax liabilities -174 -196 -217 -312
Capital Employed 8 234 8 735 8 619 8 641
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent 5 261 5 772 5 770 5 554
Non-controlling interests 88 89 92 92
Net interest-bearing liabilities 2 885 2 874 2 757 2 995
Financing Total 8 234 8 735 8 619 8 641

* Operative fixed assets include property, plant and equipment, goodwill, biological assets, emission rights, available-for-sale operative shares and other intangible assets.

Financing Q2/2013 (compared with Q1/2013)
Total unutilised committed credit facilities were unchanged at EUR 700 million, and cash and cash equivalents net of overdrafts remained strong at EUR 1 807 million, which is EUR 65 million more than for the previous quarter. In addition, Stora Enso has access to various long-term sources of funding up to EUR 600 million.

The ratio of net debt to the last twelve months’ operational EBITDA was 2.7 (2.7).

The debt/equity ratio at 30 June 2013 was 0.55 (0.50). The increase is primarily due to equity decrease following the EUR 237 million dividend payment made during the second quarter of 2013, EUR 128 million reduction in the value of PVO due to lower electricity prices and EUR 153 million negative currency effect on owners’ equity net of the hedging of equity translation risks, mainly due to the weaker Brazilian real and Swedish krona.

Cash Flow

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Operational EBITDA 247 240 251 487 516 1 094 -1.6 2.9 -5.6
NRI on operational EBITDA -54 -51 54 -105 31 18 -200.0 -5.9 n/m
Dividends received from equity accounted investments 7 11 7 18 8 102 - -36.4 125.0
Other adjustments 18 -14 -7 4 -15 -34 n/m 228.6 126.7
Change in working capital 126 -85 -59 41 -71 74 n/m 248.2 157.7
Cash Flow from Operations 344 101 246 445 469 1 254 39.8 240.6 -5.1
Cash spent on fixed and biological assets -80 -88 -128 -168 -222 -561 37.5 9.1 24.3
Acquisitions of equity accounted investments -37 -10 -44 -47 -62 -115 15.9 -270.0 24.2
Cash Flow after Investing Activities 227 3 74 230 185 578 206.8 n/m 24.3

Q2/2013 cash flow
Second quarter 2013 cash flow from operations was solid at EUR 344 million, mainly because working capital decreased by EUR 126 million during the quarter. Inventories decreased by EUR 60 million and receivables decreased by EUR 40 million.

Capital Expenditure for January–June 2013
Additions to fixed and biological assets in the first half of 2013 totalled EUR 147 million, which is 51% of depreciation in the same period.

The EUR 17 million equity injection into Montes del Plata, a joint venture in Uruguay, and EUR 30 million cost of acquiring a 35% shareholding in Bulleh Shah, a joint venture in Pakistan, totalled EUR 47 million in the first half of 2013.

Investments in fixed assets and biological assets had a cash outflow impact of EUR 168 million in the first half of 2013.

The main projects ongoing during the first half of 2013 were Montes del Plata and the Ostrołęka containerboard machine.


Capital Expenditure, Equity Injections and Depreciation Forecast 2013

EUR million Forecast 2013
Capital expenditure * 440-490
Equity injections 100-120
Total 540-610
Depreciation 590-610

* Capital expenditure includes approximately EUR 90 million for project in Guangxi, China

Streamlining and structure simplification programme to cut EUR 200 million from fixed costs

The streamlining and structure simplification programme, which is intended to achieve annual net fixed cost savings of EUR 200 million, i.e. compensating for inflation in addition to cost takeout in the second quarter of 2014 versus actual 2012, is proceeding according to plan. The full impact of net cost savings is expected from the second quarter of 2014 onwards. The new divisional organisations have been announced.

The net fixed costs were EUR 7 million lower in the second quarter of 2013 than the second quarter of 2012 due to this programme. Annualised this represents roughly 14% of the targeted EUR 200 million annual net cost savings. The non-recurring costs related to the programme in the first half of 2013 totalled EUR 43 million, including EUR 37 million in the second quarter of 2013. Most of the remaining non-recurring costs are expected to be announced in the third quarter of 2013. The number of employees had been reduced by 360.

Near-term Outlook
In the third quarter of 2013 Group sales are expected to be slightly lower and operational EBIT in line with or slightly higher than the second quarter of 2013. 


Segments Q2/13 compared with Q2/12

Printing and Reading
Printing and Reading is a world-class responsible supplier of paper from renewable sources for print media and office use. Its wide offering serves publishers, retailers, printing houses, merchants, converters and office suppliers, among others. Printing and Reading produces newsprint, book paper, SC paper, coated paper and office paper.

EUR million
Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 1 101 1 123 1 191 2 224 2 418 4 839 -7.6 -2.0 -8.0
Operational EBITDA 51 72 108 123 243 493 -52.8 -29.2 -49.4
Operational EBIT -17 2 43 -15 111 223 -139.5 n/m -113.5
 % of sales -1.5 0.2 3.6 -0.7 4.6 4.6 -141.7 n/m -115.2
Operational ROOC, %* -2.4 0.3 5.7 -1.1 7.3 7.4 -142.1 n/m -115.1
Paper deliveries,
1 000 t
1 652 1 684 1 762 3 336 3 545 7 130 -6.2 -1.9 -5.9
Paper production,
1 000 t
1 641 1 683 1 803 3 324 3 612 7 210 -9.0 -2.5 -8.0

* Operational ROOC = 100% x Operational EBIT/Average operating capital

  • Sales prices in local currencies were lower and deliveries and production lower than a year ago as demand weakened. Lower prices for paper for recycling reduced variable costs slightly and fixed costs remained stable.
  • As is now evident, the continuing deterioration in demand for paper products required the further streamlining and structure simplification actions announced on 23 April 2013 to adjust to the new supply and demand balance.
  • Hylte Mill PM 2 and Kvarnsveden Mill PM 11 in Sweden were permanently shut down in May.


Product Market Demand Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Demand Q2/13 compared with Q1/13 Price Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Price Q2/13 compared with Q1/13
Paper Europe Weaker Slightly weaker Slightly lower Slightly lower

Biomaterials offers a variety of pulp grades to meet the demands of paper, board and tissue producers. Pulp made from renewable resources in a sustainable manner is an excellent raw material with many different end uses. Biomaterials comprises mainly tree plantations, the Group’s joint-venture Veracel and Montes del Plata pulp mills, and Nordic stand-alone pulp mills.

EUR million
Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 257 257 246 514 488 1 012 4.5 - 5.3
Operational EBITDA 22 28 13 50 28 99 69.2 -21.4 78.6
Operational EBIT 14 22 15 36 22 82 -6.7 -36.4 63.6
 % of sales 5.4 8.6 6.1 7.0 4.5 8.1 -11.5 -37.2 55.6
Operational ROOC, %* 3.8 6.0 4.2 5.1 3.0 5.7 -9.5 -36.7 70.0
Pulp deliveries,
1 000 t
461 475 439 936 898 1 836 5.0 -2.9 4.2

* Operational ROOC = 100% x Operational EBIT/Average operating capital

  • Slightly lower sales prices in local currency were offset by higher sales volumes year-on-year, mainly due to Enocell.
  • Fixed costs were negatively impacted by the biorefinery and in addition, operational EBIT by the strategic investment in Montes del Plata.
  • Montes del Plata Pulp Mill is estimated to begin the mill start-up process at the end of third quarter of 2013. Montes del Plata Pulp Mill is expected to have limited impact on the Group’s sales and slightly negative impact on operational EBIT in 2013. In 2014 the Group’s sales are expected to be affected by 650 000 tonnes of Montes del Plata pulp with full positive EBITDA impact in the latter part of the year 2014 provided that the current market conditions prevail.
  • Stora Enso is investing EUR 32 million in a world-class biorefinery at Sunila Mill in Finland.
  • There will be an annual maintenance stoppage at Enocell Mill in Finland during the third quarter of 2013.


Product Market Demand Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Demand Q2/13 compared with Q1/13 Price Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Price Q2/13 compared with Q1/13
Softwood pulp Europe Slightly stronger Slightly weaker Stable Slightly higher

Building and Living
Building and Living provides wood-based innovations and solutions for everyday living and housing needs. The product range covers all areas of urban construction, from supporting structures to interior design and environmental construction. Further-processed products include massive wood elements and housing modules, wood components and pellets, in addition to a variety of sawn timber goods.

EUR million
Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 500 441 444 941 825 1 684 12.6 13.4 14.1
Operational EBITDA 39 13 21 52 32 59 85.7 200.0 62.5
Operational EBIT 28 4 11 32 21 29 154.5 n/m 52.4
 % of sales 5.6 0.9 2.5 3.4 2.5 1.7 124.0 n/m 36.0
Operational ROOC, %* 20.0 2.8 7.5 11.5 7.3 5.2 166.7 n/m 57.5
1 000 m3
1 303 1 113 1 254 2 416 2 363 4 592 3.9 17.1 2.2

* Operational ROOC = 100% x Operational EBIT/Average operating capital

  • Sales prices in local currencies were higher than a year ago, especially in overseas markets.
  • The performance improvement was mainly due to exceptionally strong seasonal market conditions and improved cost performance resulting from the early start of the streamlining programme.
  • Stora Enso has agreed to supply modular CLT-based elements for residential buildings of five to seven storeys in Helsinki constructed in co-operation with SRV Yhtiöt Oyj.


Product Market Demand Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Demand Q2/13 compared with Q1/13 Price Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Price Q2/13 compared with Q1/13
Wood products Europe Slightly stronger Significantly stronger Slightly higher Slightly higher

Renewable Packaging
Renewable Packaging offers fibre-based packaging materials and innovative packaging solutions for consumer goods and industrial applications. Renewable Packaging operates throughout the value chain, from pulp production to production of materials and packaging, and recycling. It comprises three business units: Consumer Board, Packaging Solutions and Packaging Asia.

EUR million
Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 835 820 827 1 655 1 606 3 216 1.0 1.8 3.1
Operational EBITDA 129 119 123 248 236 476 4.9 8.4 5.1
Operational EBIT 77 68 73 145 135 273 5.5 13.2 7.4
 % of sales 9.2 8.3 8.8 8.8 8.4 8.5 4.5 10.8 4.8
Operational ROOC, %* 12.7 11.4 13.1 12.2 12.2 12.1 -3.1 11.4 -
Paper and board deliveries, 1 000 t 856 812 812 1 668 1 578 3 138 5.4 5.4 5.7
Paper and board production, 1 000 t 855 836 807 1 691 1 574 3 147 5.9 2.3 7.4
Corrugated packaging deliveries, million m2 271 260 282 531 543 1 097 -3.9 4.2 -2.2
Corrugated packaging production, million m2 267 258 275 525 532 1 076 -2.9 3.5 -1.3

* Operational ROOC = 100% x Operational EBIT/Average operating capital

  • Sales volumes were higher, driven by consumer board and the new Ostrołęka Mill PM 5, but average sales prices in local currencies were slightly lower. Lower fixed and variable costs more than offset slightly higher depreciation due to Ostrołęka Mill PM 5. Exchange rates had a positive net impact on sales and costs after hedges.
  • Stora Enso and Packages Ltd. completed the process of establishing a joint venture called Bulleh Shah Packaging (Private) Limited in Pakistan in May.
  • To accelerate access to the growing Chinese market, Stora Enso will launch its integrated mill project in Guangxi, China in two phases, starting with building a consumer board machine. The first-phase capital expenditure is expected to be EUR 760 million.
  • The new Ostrołęka Mill PM 5 production is proceeding according to plan and the EBITDA margin is expected to be approximately 20% during the latter part of 2013.
  • In June Stora Enso announced that it is investing approximately EUR 32 million in Skoghall Mill in Sweden. The investment primarily pertains to rebuilding of a fibre line in the sulphate pulp mill and its chemical recovery operations, thereby increasing the mill’s pulp production capacity by 45 000 tonnes per year.
  • In June Stora Enso decided to commence a feasibility study with the aim of converting the Varkaus Mill fine paper machine in Finland to produce virgin-fibre-based containerboard.
  • There will be an annual maintenance stoppage at Imatra Mills in Finland during the third quarter of 2013.


Product Market Demand Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Demand Q2/13 compared with Q1/13 Price Q2/13 compared with Q2/12 Price Q2/13 compared with Q1/13
Consumer board Europe Slightly stronger Slightly stronger Slightly lower Stable
Corrugated packaging Europe Slightly weaker Slightly stronger Slightly higher Stable


The segment Other includes the Nordic forest equity accounted investments, Stora Enso’s shareholding in Pohjolan Voima, operations supplying wood to the Nordic mills and Group shared services and administration.

EUR million
Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 685 721 663 1 406 1 366 2 684 3.3 -5.0 2.9
Operational EBITDA 6 8 -14 14 -23 -33 142.9 -25.0 160.9
Operational EBIT 22 22 2 44 5 23 n/m - n/m
 % of sales 3.2 3.1 0.3 3.1 0.4 0.9 n/m 3.2 n/m


  • Operational EBIT in Nordic wood sourcing operations continued to benefit from good harvesting conditions in the beginning of the quarter, but returned to normal towards the end of the quarter.
  • Costs were lower in Group functions and services.

Short-term Risks and Uncertainties
The main short-term risks and uncertainties relate to the economic situation in Europe and further increasing imbalance in the European paper market.

Energy sensitivity analysis: the direct effect of a 10% increase in electricity, heat, oil and other fossil fuel market prices would have a negative impact of approximately EUR 15 million on operational EBIT for the next twelve months, after the effect of hedges.

Wood sensitivity analysis: the direct effect of a 10% increase in wood prices would have a negative impact of approximately EUR 200 million on operational EBIT for the next twelve months.

Chemicals and fillers sensitivity: the direct effect of a 10% increase in chemical and filler prices would have a negative impact of approximately EUR 63 million on operational EBIT for the next twelve months.

A decrease in energy, wood or chemical and filler prices would have the opposite impact.

Foreign exchange rates sensitivity analysis for the next twelve months: the direct effect on operational EBIT of a 10% strengthening in the value of the US dollar, Swedish krona and British pound against the euro would be about positive EUR 104 million, negative EUR 81 million and positive EUR 51 million annual impact, respectively. Weakening of the currencies would have the opposite impact. These numbers are before the effect of hedges and assuming no changes occur other than a single currency exchange rate movement.

On 11 July 2008 Stora Enso announced that a federal judge in Brazil had issued a decision claiming that the permits issued by the State of Bahia for the operations of Stora Enso’s equity accounted investment Veracel were not valid. The judge also ordered Veracel to take certain actions, including reforestation with native trees on part of Veracel’s plantations and a possible BRL 20 million (EUR 7 million) fine. Veracel disputes the decision and has filed an appeal against it. Veracel operates in full compliance with all Brazilian laws and has obtained all the necessary environmental and operating licences for its industrial and forestry activities from the competent authorities. In November 2008 a Federal Court suspended the effects of the decision. Veracel has not recorded any provision for the reforestation or the possible fine.

On 30 September 2009 a judge in the State of Bahia issued an interim decision ordering the State Government of Bahia not to grant Veracel further plantation licences in the municipality of Eunápolis in response to claims by a state prosecutor that Veracel’s plantations exceeded the legal limits, which Veracel disputes. Veracel’s position is supported by documentation issued by the State environmental authority.

Class Action Lawsuits in USA
In the context of magazine paper sales in the USA in 2002 and 2003, Stora Enso Oyj (SEO) and Stora Enso North America (SENA) were sued in a number of class action (and other civil) lawsuits filed in the USA by various magazine paper purchasers that claimed damages for alleged antitrust violations. In December 2010 a US federal district court granted a motion for summary judgement dismissing the direct purchaser class action claims on SEO and SENA. Following appeal, a federal court of appeals on 6 August 2012 upheld the district court’s ruling as to SEO, but reversed the district court’s ruling as to SENA and referred that part of the case back to the district court for a jury trial to determine whether SENA’s conduct did violate the federal antitrust laws. The trial of the case against SENA was scheduled to begin in August 2013. Because Stora Enso disposed of SENA in 2007, Stora Enso’s liability, if any, would have been determined by the provisions in the SENA Sales and Purchasing Agreement. On 17 July 2013, Stora Enso reached an agreement (which is subject to approval by the US federal district court) to settle the cases filed by the direct magazine paper purchasers without any admission of liability by SENA or SEO. Stora Enso has set aside USD 8 million to cover the cost of settling those claims, which cost will be recorded in the third quarter 2013 accounts. The case has been disclosed as a contingent liability. There are no provisions related to the case in Stora Enso’s balance sheet per 30 June 2013. Furthermore, most of the indirect purchaser actions have been dismissed by a consent judgement, subject, however, to being reinstated if the plaintiffs in the direct cases would have been ultimately successful in obtaining a final judgement that SENA violated antitrust laws.

Legal Proceedings in Finland

On 3 December 2009 the Finnish Market Court fined Stora Enso for competition law infringements in the market for roundwood in Finland from 1997 to 2004. Stora Enso did not appeal against the ruling.

On 31 March 2011 Metsähallitus of Finland initiated legal proceedings against Stora Enso, UPM and Metsäliitto claiming compensation for damages allegedly suffered due to the competition law infringements. The total claim against all the defendants amounts to approximately EUR 160 million and the secondary claim against Stora Enso to approximately EUR 85 million.

In addition, Finnish municipalities and private forest owners have initiated similar legal proceedings. The total amount claimed from all the defendants amounts to approximately EUR 75 million and the secondary claims and claims solely against Stora Enso to approximately EUR 25 million.

Stora Enso denies that Metsähallitus and other plaintiffs have suffered any damages whatsoever and will forcefully defend itself. No provisions have been made in Stora Enso’s accounts for these lawsuits.

Changes in Organisational Structure and Group Management
On 31 May 2013 Stora Enso announced that from 1 July 2013 onwards the Stora Enso Group Leadership Team would comprise the following persons and roles:

Jouko Karvinen, Chief Executive Officer
Juan Bueno, Head of Biomaterials Division
Lars Häggström, Head of Global People and Organisation
Per Lyrvall, Head of Global Ethics and Compliance, General Counsel, Country Senior Executive, Sweden
Mats Nordlander, Head of Renewable Packaging Division
Lauri Peltola, Head of Global Identity, Country Senior Executive, Finland
Karl-Henrik Sundström, Head of Printing and Living Division, Deputy CEO
Jyrki Tammivuori, acting Chief Financial Officer
Juha Vanhainen, Project Director for the recently announced EUR 200 million streamlining and structure simplification programme.

Share Capital
During the quarter 400 A shares were converted into R shares. The shares were recorded in the Finnish trade register on 15 May 2013.

Share cancellation
On 15 May 2013, 918 512 treasury R shares (approximately 0.12% of the issued shares) were cancelled in accordance with a decision of Stora Enso’s Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2013.

On 30 June 2013, Stora Enso had 177 146 372 A shares and 611 473 615 R shares in issue of which the Company held no A shares or R shares.

Changes in shareholdings
In April–June the number of shares in Stora Enso Oyj held by Norges Bank (The Central Bank of Norway) was twice temporarily less than 5% of the paid-up share capital and the number of shares in Stora Enso Oyj due to share lending transactions.

Decisions of Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2013
The AGM approved the proposal by the Board of Directors that the Company distributes a dividend of EUR 0.30 per share for the year 2012.

The AGM approved a proposal that the Board of Directors shall have ten members and that of the current members of the Board of Directors, Gunnar Brock, Hock Goh, Birgitta Kantola, Mikael Mäkinen, Juha Rantanen, Hans Stråberg, Matti Vuoria and Marcus Wallenberg shall be re-elected members of the Board of Directors until the end of the following AGM and that Elisabeth Fleuriot and Anne Brunila be elected new members of the Board of Directors for the same term of office.

The AGM approved a proposal that the current auditor Authorised Public Accountants Deloitte & Touche Oy shall be re-elected auditor of the Company until the end of the following AGM. The AGM approved a proposal that remuneration for the auditor shall be paid according to invoice approved by the Financial and Audit Committee.

The AGM approved a proposal that a Nomination Board be appointed to prepare proposals concerning (a) the number of members of the Board of Directors, (b) the members of the Board of Directors, (c) the remuneration for the Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and (d) the remuneration for the Chairman and members of the committees of the Board of Directors.

The AGM approved a proposal by the Board of Directors that 918 512 treasury R shares be cancelled.

Decisions by Board of Directors
At its meeting held after the AGM, the Stora Enso Board of Directors re-elected from among its members Gunnar Brock as its Chairman and Juha Rantanen as Vice Chairman.

Birgitta Kantola (chairwoman), Gunnar Brock and Juha Rantanen were re-elected and Mikael Mäkinen elected as members of the Financial and Audit Committee.

Gunnar Brock (chairman), Hans Stråberg and Matti Vuoria were re-elected as members of the Remuneration Committee.

Anne Brunila (chairwoman) and Birgitta Kantola were elected as members of the new Global Responsibility and Ethics Committee that focuses on responsibility and ethics matters.

This report is unaudited.

Helsinki, 19 July 2013
Stora Enso Oyj
Board of Directors



Basis of Preparation
This unaudited interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim Financial Reporting and in the Group’s Annual Report for 2012.

The Group has applied the following amendment effective from 1 January 2013 that requires restatement of previous financial statements:

  • IAS 19 Employee Benefits (amendment) eliminates the ‘corridor method’, streamlines the presentation of changes in assets and liabilities arising from defined benefit plans and enhances the disclosure requirements arising from the standard. The Group has not applied the ‘corridor method’. The effects of this amendment on the Group financial statements are not material. The effects on the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement and Statement of Financial Position are the following:

Effects of Changes to IAS 19 Employee Benefits

EUR million As published 2012 Adjustment
Operational EBIT 618 12 630
Operating profit (IFRS) 689 12 701
Net financial items -207 -13 -220
Profit before tax 482 -1 481
Income tax 9 - 9
Net profit for the period 491 -1 490
Attributable to:      
Owners of the Parent 481 -1 480
Non-controlling interests 10 - 10
  491 -1 490
Total equity 5 876 -14 5 862
Post-employment benefit provisions 462 18 480
Deferred tax liabilities 344 -4 340

The following standards have also been applicable effective from 1 January 2013:

  • IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (amendment) introduces changes to the presentation of items of other comprehensive income. Items that could be reclassified to profit or loss at a future point in time now have to be presented separately from items that will never be reclassified. The amendment affected presentation only and had no impact on the Group’s financial position or performance.
  • IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Enhanced disclosure requirements related to offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities. The amendment might have some effect on presentation in the financial statements but had no impact on the Group’s financial position or performance.
  • IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement establishes the definition of fair value and introduces a single IFRS framework for measuring fair value while seeking to increase consistency and comparability by requiring disclosures about fair value measurements applied in the financial statements of an entity. The application of IFRS 13 has not materially affected the fair value measurements carried out by the Group. The new standard also requires specific disclosures on fair values, some of which replace existing disclosure requirements in other standards. Some of these disclosures are specifically required for financial instruments, thereby affecting the interim financial statement. The additional disclosures are included in this Interim Review.
  • IAS 12 Income Taxes (amendment) provides additional regulation on deferred tax in the case of recovery of underlying assets. The amendment is not relevant to the Group.
  • IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine introduces accounting treatment for stripping costs arising in the mining industry. The interpretation is not relevant to the Group.

All figures in this Interim Review have been rounded to the nearest million, unless otherwise stated.

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012 Change % Q2/13–Q2/12 Change % Q2/13–Q1/13 Change
Sales 2 717 2 667 2 721 5 384 5 394 10 815 -0.1 1.9 -0.2
 Other operating income 25 33 80 58 124 219 -68.8 -24.2 -53.2
 Materials and services -1 776 -1 724 -1 737 -3 500 -3 467 -6 974 -2.2 -3.0 -1.0
 Freight and sales commissions -249 -258 -250 -507 -492 -1 008 0.4 3.5 -3.0
 Personnel expenses -362 -353 -370 -715 -709 -1 349 2.2 -2.5 -0.8
 Other operating expenses -160 -185 -142 -345 -291 -578 -12.7 13.5 -18.6
 Share of results of equity accounted investments 14 26 -6 40 9 108 n/m -46.2 n/m
 Depreciation and impairment -135 -186 -141 -321 -286 -532 4.3 27.4 -12.2
Operating Profit 74 20 155 94 282 701 -52.3 270.0 -66.7
 Net financial items -47 -56 -70 -103 -107 -220 32.9 16.1 3.7
Profit/Loss before Tax 27 -36 85 -9 175 481 -68.2 175.0 -105.1
 Income tax -6 20 -16 14 -32 9 62.5 -130.0 143.8
Net Profit/Loss for the Period 21 -16 69 5 143 490 -69.6 231.3 -96.5
Attributable to:                  
Owners of the Parent 19 -17 65 2 138 480 -70.8 211.8 -98.6
Non-controlling interests 2 1 4 3 5 10 -50.0 100.0 -40.0
  21 -16 69 5 143 490 -69.6 231.3 -96.5
Earnings per Share                  
Basic earnings per share, EUR 0.02 -0.02 0.08 0.00 0.17 0.61 -75.0 200.0 -100.0
Diluted earnings per share, EUR 0.02 -0.02 0.08 0.00 0.17 0.61 -75.0 200.0 -100.0


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 Q2/12 Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12 2012
Net profit for the period 21 -16 69 5 143 490
Other Comprehensive Income            
Items that will Not be Reclassified to Profit and Loss            
Actuarial losses on defined benefit plans - - -4 - -8 -184
Share of other comprehensive income of equity accounted investments that will not be reclassified - -1 - -1 -5 -5
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified - - 2 - 3 35
  - -1 -2 -1 -10 -154
Items that may be Reclassified Subsequently to Profit and Loss            
Share of other comprehensive income of equity accounted investments that be reclassified 10 3 -10 13 -7 1
Currency translation movements on equity net investments (CTA) -174 77 -17 -97 - -29
Currency translation movements on non-controlling interests -4 3 1 -1 - -3
Net investment hedges 27 -13 -2 14 -8 -17
Currency and commodity hedges -19 -11 -18 -30 6 34
Available-for-sale financial assets -135 -41 -131 -176 -200 -178
Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified -2 4 3 2 -1 -3
  -297 22 -174 -275 -210 -195
Total Comprehensive Income -276 5 -107 -271 -77 141
Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to:            
Owners of the Parent -274 1 -112 -273 -82 134
Non-controlling interests -2 4 5 2 5 7
  -276 5 -107 -271 -77 141


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

EUR million Q1-Q2/13 Q1-Q2/12
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Operating profit 94 282
Hedging result from OCI -29 6
Adjustments for non-cash items 310 258
Change in net working capital 33 -47
Cash Flow Generated by Operations 408 499
Net financial items paid -65 -97
Income taxes paid, net -20 -73
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 323 329
Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of acquired cash - -3
Acquisitions of equity accounted investments -47 -62
Acquisitions of available-for-sale investments -9 -
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets and shares, net of disposed cash 11 3
Capital expenditure -168 -222
Proceeds from/payments of non-current receivables, net 95 -31
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities -118 -315
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from issue of new long-term debt 12 853
Long-term debt, payments -29 -437
Change in short-term borrowings 38 -81
Dividends paid -237 -237
Dividend to non-controlling interests -6 -
Net Cash Used in/Provided by Financing Activities -222 98
Net Decrease/Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents -17 112
Translation adjustment -21 -6
Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 1 845 1 134
Net Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 807 1 240
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 809 1 249
Bank Overdrafts at Period End -2 -9
Net Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 807 1 240
  Cash and cash equivalents, net of bank overdraft - 1
  Fixed assets, working capital and net tax assets - -1
Total Purchase Consideration - -
Less cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies - -1
Net Purchase Consideration - -1
Cash part of the consideration, net of acquired cash - 3
Payment concerning unfinished 2011 acquisition - -4
Net Purchase Consideration - -1

Property, Plant and Equipment, Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Biological Assets

EUR million Q1-Q2/13 2012 Q1-Q2/12
Carrying value at 1 January 5 541 5 437 5 437
Acquisition of subsidiary companies - 6 1
Additions in tangible and intangible assets 139 536 209
Additions in biological assets 8 20 7
Disposals -16 -2 -2
Depreciation and impairment -321 -532 -286
Translation difference and other -74 76 39
Statement of Financial Position Total 5 277 5 541 5 405


EUR million 30 Jun 13 31 Dec 12 30 Jun 12
Non-current borrowings 3 769 4 341 3 838
Current borrowings 1 306 793 893
  5 075 5 134 4 731
  Q2/13 2012 Q2/12
Carrying value at 1 January 5 134 4 373 4 373
Proceeds of borrowings (net) 21 712 330
Translation difference and other -80 49 28
Statement of Financial Position Total 5 075 5 134 4 731


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

EUR million   30 Jun 13 31 Dec 12 30 Jun 12
Non-current Assets        
  PPE*, goodwill and other intangible assets O 5 048 5 319 5 187
  Biological assets O 229 222 218
  Emission rights O 15 30 39
  Equity accounted investments O 1 999 1 965 1 948
  Available-for-sale: Interest-bearing I 105 96 93
  Available-for-sale: Operative O 279 451 435
  Non-current loan receivables I 37 134 209
  Deferred tax assets T 162 143 133
  Other non-current assets O 19 23 46
    7 893 8 383 8 308
Current Assets        
  Inventories O 1 455 1 458 1 550
  Tax receivables T 15 19 20
  Operative receivables O 1 739 1 687 1 748
  Interest-bearing receivables I 239 297 185
  Cash and cash equivalents I 1 809 1 850 1 249
    5 257 5 311 4 752
Total Assets   13 150 13 694 13 060
Equity and Liabilities        
  Owners of the Parent   5 261 5 770 5 554
  Non-controlling Interests   88 92 92
Total Equity   5 349 5 862 5 646
Non-current Liabilities        
 Post-employment benefit provisions O 461 480 341
 Other provisions O 130 142 141
 Deferred tax liabilities T 322 340 419
 Non-current debt I 3 769 4 341 3 838
 Other non-current operative liabilities O 8 12 26
    4 690 5 315 4 765
Current Liabilities        
 Current portion of non-current debt I 697 181 214
 Interest-bearing liabilities I 609 612 679
 Operative liabilities O 1 776 1 685 1 710
 Tax liabilities T 29 39 46
    3 111 2 517 2 649
Total Liabilities   7 801 7 832 7 414
Total Equity and Liabilities   13 150 13 694 13 060

* PPE = Property, Plant and Equipment

Items designated with “O” comprise Operating Capital
Items designated with “I” comprise Interest-bearing Net Liabilities
Items designated with “T” comprise Net Tax Liabilities




Statement of Changes in Equity

EUR million Share Capital Share Premium and Reserve fund Invested Non-Restricted Equity Fund Trea-sury Shares Step Acquisition Revaluation Surplus Available for Sale Financial Assets Currency and Commodity Hedges OCI of Equity Accounted Investments CTA and Net Investment Hedges Retained Earnings Attribut-able to Owners of the Parent Non-controlling Interests Total
Balance at 31 Dec 2011 1 342 77 633 -10 4 541 -17 -29 32 3 300 5 873 87 5 960
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 138 138 5 143
OCI before tax - - - - - -200 6 -12 -8 -8 -222 - -222
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - -2 -1 - 2 3 2 - 2
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - -202 5 -12 -6 133 -82 5 -77
Dividend - - - - - - - - - -237 -237 -237
Balance at 30 Jun 2012 1 342 77 633 -10 4 339 -12 -41 26 3 196 5 554 92 5 646
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 342 342 5 347
OCI before tax - - - - - 22 28 8 -38 -176 -156 -3 -159
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - 1 -5 - 2 32 30 - 30
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - 23 23 8 -36 198 216 2 218
Dividend - - - - - - - - - - - -2 -2
Balance at 31 Dec 2012 1 342 77 633 -10 4 362 11 -33 -10 3 394 5 770 92 5 862
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 2 2 3 5
OCI before tax - - - - - -176 -30 12 -83 - -277 -1 -278
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - -1 6 - -3 - 2 - 2
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - -177 -24 12 -86 2 -273 2 -271
Dividend - - - - - - - - - -237 -237 -6 -243
Share-based payments - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 1
Cancellation of treasury shares - - - 10 - - - - - -10 - - -
Balance at 30 Jun 2013 1 342 77 633 - 4 185 -13 -21 -96 3 150 5 261 88 5 349

CTA = Cumulative Translation Adjustment
OCI = Other Comprehensive Income



Commitments and Contingencies

EUR million 30 Jun 13 31 Dec 12 30 Jun 12
On Own Behalf      
  Pledges - 1 1
  Mortgages 6 6 10
On Behalf of Equity Accounted Investments      
  Guarantees 572 653 529
On Behalf of Others      
  Guarantees 5 5 5
Other Commitments, Own      
  Operating leases, in next 12 months 94 92 63
  Operating leases, after next 12 months 510 497 555
  Other commitments 5 5 5
Total 1 192 1 259 1 168
  Pledges - 1 1
  Mortgages 6 6 10
  Guarantees 577 658 534
  Operating leases 604 589 618
  Other commitments 5 5 5
Total 1 192 1 259 1 168

Capital commitments
The Group’s direct capital expenditure contracts, excluding acquisitions, amounted to EUR 58 million (compared with EUR 200 million at 30 June 2012 and EUR 72 million at 31 December 2012).

The Group’s share of capital expenditure contracts in equity accounted investments, excluding acquisitions, amounted to EUR 139 million (compared with EUR 322 million at 30 June 2012 and EUR 213 million at 31 December 2012) of which Stora Enso has guaranteed EUR 71 million (compared with EUR 189 million at 30 June 2012 and EUR 189 million at 31 December 2012).

Sales by Segment

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 2012 Q4/12 Q3/12 Q2/12 Q1/12
Printing and Reading 1 101 1 123 4 839 1 194 1 227 1 191 1 227
Biomaterials 257 257 1 012 256 268 246 242
Building and Living 500 441 1 684 456 403 444 381
Renewable Packaging 835 820 3 216 798 812 827 779
Other 685 721 2 684 673 645 663 703
Inter-segment sales -661 -695 -2 620 -650 -661 -650 -659
Total 2 717 2 667 10 815 2 727 2 694 2 721 2 673


Operational EBIT by Segment

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 2012 Q4/12 Q3/12 Q2/12 Q1/12
Printing and Reading -17 2 223 59 53 43 68
Biomaterials 14 22 82 28 32 15 7
Building and Living 28 4 29 7 1 11 10
Renewable Packaging 77 68 273 55 83 73 62
Other 22 22 23 9 9 2 3
Operational EBIT 124 118 630 158 178 144 150
 Fair valuations and non-operational items* -17 -7 -59 -14 -13 -34 2
Non-recurring Items -33 -91 130 110 - 45 -25
Operating Profit (IFRS) 74 20 701 254 165 155 127
Net financial items -47 -56 -220 -50 -63 -70 -37
Profit/Loss before Tax 27 -36 481 204 102 85 90
Income tax expense -6 20 9 62 -21 -16 -16
Net Profit/Loss 21 -16 490 266 81 69 74

* Fair valuations and non-operational items include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights, valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in EAI and Group’s share of tax and net financial items of EAI.

NRI by Segment

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 2012 Q4/12 Q3/12 Q2/12 Q1/12
Printing and Reading -30 -84 70 67 - 13 -10
Biomaterials 11 - -7 -7 - - -
Building and Living - -7 - - - - -
Renewable Packaging 4 - -53 -38 - - -15
Other -18 - 120 88 - 32 -
NRI on Operating Profit -33 -91 130 110 - 45 -25
NRI on Financial items - - 34 11 - 9 14
NRI on tax 9 19 63 56 - 2 5
NRI on Net Profit -24 -72 227 177 - 56 -6
NRI on Net Profit attributable to              
Owners of the Parent -24 -72 221 175 - 52 -6
Non-controlling interests - - 6 2 - 4 -
  -24 -72 227 177 - 56 -6


Fair Valuations and Non-operational Items* by Segment

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 2012 Q4/12 Q3/12 Q2/12 Q1/12
Printing and Reading - - -1 - - - -1
Biomaterials -11 -3 -29 6 -7 -24 -4
Building and Living - - -3 -1 - - -2
Renewable Packaging - - -1 - - - -1
Other -6 -4 -25 -19 -6 -10 10
Fair Valuations and Non-operational Items on Operating Profit -17 -7 -59 -14 -13 -34 2

* Fair valuations and non-operational items include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights, valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in EAI and Group’s share of tax and net financial items of EAI.

Operating Profit/Loss by Segment

EUR million Q2/13 Q1/13 2012 Q4/12 Q3/12 Q2/12 Q1/12
Printing and Reading -47 -82 292 126 53 56 57
Biomaterials 14 19 46 27 25 -9 3
Building and Living 28 -3 26 6 1 11 8
Renewable Packaging 81 68 219 17 83 73 46
Other -2 18 118 78 3 24 13
Operating Profit (IFRS) 74 20 701 254 165 155 127
Net financial items -47 -56 -220 -50 -63 -70 -37
Profit/Loss before Tax 27 -36 481 204 102 85 90
Income tax expense -6 20 9 62 -21 -16 -16
Net Profit/Loss 21 -16 490 266 81 69 74

Key Exchange Rates for the Euro

One Euro is Closing Rate Average Rate
  30 Jun 13 31 Dec 12 30 Jun 13 31 Dec 12
SEK 8.7773 8.5820 8.5297 8.7067
USD 1.3080 1.3194 1.3135 1.2856
GBP 0.8572 0.8161 0.8512 0.8111

Transaction Risk and Hedges in Main Currencies as at 30 June 2013

Estimated annual net operating cash flow exposure 1 040 -810 510
Transaction hedges as at 30 Jun 2013 -500 450 -250
Hedging Percentage as at 30 Jun 2013 for the Next 12 Months 48% 56% 49%

Additional USD and GBP hedges for 13–15 months increase the hedging percentages by 1% and 3% respectively.

Changes in Exchange Rates on Operational EBIT

Operational EBIT: Currency Strengthening of + 10% EUR million
USD 104
SEK -81
GBP 51

The sensitivity is based on estimated next 12 months net operating cash flow. The calculation does not take into account currency hedges, and assumes no changes occur other than a single currency exchange rate movement. Weakening would have the opposite impact.


Fair Values of Financial Instruments
The Group uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique:

Level 1: quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2: other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly;

Level 3: techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair values that are not based on observable market data.

The valuation techniques are described in more detail in the Financial Statements.

Carrying Amounts of Financial Assets and Liabilities by Measurement and Fair Value Categories: 30 Jun 2013

EUR million Loans and
Financial Items
at Fair Value
through Income
by Balance
Sheet Item
Fair Value
Financial Assets            
Available-for-sale - - - 384 384 384
Non-current loan receivables 37 - - - 37 37
Trade and other operative receivables 1 425 - - - 1 425 1 425
Interest-bearing receivables 105 102 32 - 239 239
Current investments and cash 1 809 - - - 1 809 1 809
Carrying Amount by Category 3 376 102 32 384 3 894 3 894
EUR million   Financial Items
at Fair Value
through Income
Measured at
by Balance
Sheet Item
Fair Value
Financial Liabilities            
Non-current debt   - 4 3 765 3 769 3 980
Current portion of non-current debt   - - 697 697 697
Interest-bearing liabilities   110 44 453 607 607
Trade and other operative payables   - - 1 309 1 309 1 309
Bank overdrafts   - - 2 2 2
Carrying Amount by Category   110 48 6 226 6 384 6 595
EUR million Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total    
Derivative Financial Assets - 134 - 134    
Available-for-sale Financial Assets 10 - 374 384    
Derivative Financial Liabilities - 158 - 158    


Reconciliation of Level 3 Fair Value Measurement of Financial Assets: 30 Jun 2013

EUR million Unlisted Shares Unlisted Interest-bearing Securities Total
Opening balance at 1 January 2013 451 90 541
Losses recognised in other comprehensive income -180 - -180
Additions 9 - 9
Disposals -1 - -1
Interest capitalised - 5 5
Closing Balance at 30 June 2013 279 95 374

Unlisted shares
The unlisted shares comprise mainly PVO shares for which the valuation method is described in more detail in the Annual Report. The valuation is most sensitive to changes in electricity prices and discount rates. The discount rate of 4.57% used in the valuation model is determined using the weighted average cost of capital method. A +/- 5% change in the electricity price used in the DCF would change the valuation by +/- EUR 76 million and a +/- 1% change in the discount rate would change the valuation by -/+ EUR 107 million.

Stora Enso Shares

Trading volume
Helsinki Stockholm
  A share R share A share R share
April 82 353 95 508 292 91 582 38 620 347
May 37 550 73 719 905 140 437 26 711 370
June 39 434 58 050 759 69 084 16 541 339
Total 159 337 227 278 956 301 103 81 873 056

Closing Price
Helsinki, EUR Stockholm, SEK
  A share R share A share R share
April 6.21 5.28 54.20 45.10
May 6.12 5.64 54.45 48.77
June 5.80 5.15 51.95 45.38


Calculation of Key Figures

Operational return on capital employed, operational ROCE (%) 100  x Operational EBIT
Capital employed 1) 2)
Operational return on operating capital, operational ROOC (%) 100  x Operational EBIT  
Operating capital 1) 2)
Return on equity,
ROE (%)
100  x Profit before tax and non-controlling items – taxes
Total equity 2)
Equity ratio (%) 100  x Total equity
Total assets
Interest-bearing net liabilities   Interest-bearing liabilities – interest-bearing assets
Debt/equity ratio   Interest-bearing net liabilities
Equity 3)
      Fixed asset
CEPS   Net profit/loss for the period 3) – depreciation and impairment
Average number of shares
EPS   Net profit/loss for the period 3)
Average number of shares
Operational EBIT                                                      Operating profit/loss excluding NRI and fair valuations of the
segments and Stora Enso’s share of operating profit/loss
excluding NRI and fair valuations of its equity accounted
investments (EAI)
Operational EBITDA   Operating profit/loss excluding fixed asset depreciation and
impairment, share of results of equity accounted investments,
NRI and fair valuations
Net debt to operational EBITDA ratio   Interest-bearing net liabilities
Operational EBITDA
Last twelve months (LTM)   Twelve months preceding the reporting date

1) Capital employed = Operating capital – Net tax liabilities
2) Average for the financial period
3) Attributable to owners of the Parent

For further information, please contact:
Jouko Karvinen, CEO, tel.
+358 2046 21410
Jyrki Tammivuori, CFO, tel. +358 2046 21043
Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, SVP, Investor Relations, tel.
+358 40 763 8767
Sanna Lahti, SVP, Global Communications, tel. +358 2046 21251

Stora Enso’s third quarter 2013 results will be published on 22 October 2013 at 13.00 EET.


CEO Jouko Karvinen, CFO Jyrki Tammivuori, EVP Printing and Living (CFO until 30 June 2013) Karl-Henrik Sundström and SVP Investor Relations Ulla Paajanen-Sainio will be hosting a combined conference call and webcast today at 14.00 Finnish time (13.00 CET, 12.00 UK time, 07.00 US Eastern time).

If you wish to participate, please dial:

Continental Europe and the UK +44 (0) 20 3427 1914
Finland +358 (0) 9 6937 9543
Sweden +46 (0) 8 5065 3936
USA +1 646 254 3362
Access code: 9521270

The live webcast may be accessed at

Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the paper, biomaterials, wood products and packaging industry. We always rethink the old and expand to the new to offer our customers innovative solutions based on renewable materials. Stora Enso employs some 28 000 people worldwide, and our sales in 2012 amounted to EUR 10.8 billion. Stora Enso shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (STEAV, STERV) and Stockholm (STE A, STE R). In addition, the shares are traded in the USA as ADRs (SEOAY) in the International OTCQX over-the-counter market.

It should be noted that certain statements herein which are not historical facts, including, without limitation those regarding expectations for market growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and statements preceded by “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “foresees”, or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Since these statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to materially differ from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein, continued success of product development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group’s targeted customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the degree of protection created by the Group’s patents and other intellectual property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, prevailing and future global market prices for the Group’s products and the pricing pressures thereto, price fluctuations in raw materials, financial condition of the customers and the competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as rates of economic growth in the Group’s principal geographic markets or fluctuations in exchange and interest rates.


