Latvenergo AS does not plan to increase investments

Riga, 2013-07-31 15:46 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Referring to the newspaper Dienas Bizness publication "Latvenergo ready to invest billion dollars" made on 31.07.2013, we hereby inform that Latvenergo Group investment program amounts to an average 200 million lats per year. 

During the years 2007-2012 the capital expenditures were approximately 200 million lats per year, with exception for years 2009 and 2010 (years of the financial crisis), when the amount of capital expenditures was reduced due to limited availability of funding sources. 

In the coming years Latvenergo plans to maintain the current level of investments.

The amount of Latvenergo planned capital expenditures depends on both the large new investment projects (Reconstruction of Riga CHP-2, Kurzeme Ring, Latvian - Estonian interconnection) and investments required for the maintenance and renewal of the existing assets, as well as on the availability of funding available for the company.

Additional information:
Jānis Irbe
Group Treasurer
Phone: +371 67 728 239

About Latvenergo:

The Latvenergo Group is the largest power supply merchant in the Baltics, engaging in electricity generation and trade as well as providing electricity distribution and management of transmission system assets. Latvenergo holds one-third of the entire Baltic electricity market. Latvenergo AS has been acknowledged as the most valuable company in Latvia for several years in a row. International credit rating agency Moody’s has assigned Latvenergo AS an investment-grade credit rating of Baa3/stable.

The Latvenergo Group includes the parent company Latvenergo AS (electricity generation and trade, thermal energy generation) and its subsidiaries Latvijas elektriskie tīkli AS (management of transmission system assets), Sadales tīkls AS (electricity distribution), Elektrum Eesti OÜ (electricity trade in Estonia), Elektrum Lietuva UAB (electricity trade in Lithuania) and Liepājas enerģija SIA (thermal energy generation and trade, electricity generation), as well as Elektrum Latvija SIA, a subsidiary of Elektrum Eesti OÜ.