Interim report January – June 2013


  · Net asset value per share, adjusted for dividends, has increased by 14.4 per
cent since year-end 2012 and amounted to SEK 30.50 at the end of the period.
The Six Return Index has risen by 9.1 per cent.
  · Bure’s net asset value was SEK 2,378M, compared to SEK 2,195M at year-end
  · The Parent Company’s profit after income tax was SEK 298M (403).
  · The Parent Company’s earnings per share amounted to SEK 3.70 (4.95).
  · Total return on the Bure share was 6.4 per cent (40.6).


  · Net asset value per share, adjusted for dividends, increased by 4.0 per cent
during the second quarter. The Six Return Index fell by 1.0 per cent.
  · At the Annual General Meeting on 22 April Patrik Tigerschiöld was elected as
the new Chairman of the Board.
Former Vice Executive President Henrik Blomquist has been appointed as Acting
  · Starting in the second quarter, MedCap is reported as a portfolio company.
  · During the quarter, Bure repurchased 3.1 million shares for SEK 72.7M, which
is equal to 3.9 per cent of the total number of shares.
  · Dividends were paid to the shareholders in an amount of SEK 0.50 per share,
for a total of SEK 40.6M.
  · The Parent Company’s earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.73 (4.0).


  · In July, Bure has acquired 9.1 per cent of the shares in Moberg Pharma for
SEK 36.2M through a directed issue.
  · Bure’s net asset value per share at 9 August 2013 was SEK 30.80.

A change of management has taken place at Bure during the quarter. Patrik
Tigerschiöld was elected as the new Chairman of the Board at the Annual General
Meeting and I myself have been appointed as Acting CEO. I have been active in
Bure, and previously Skanditek, for thirteen years and it is with great
commitment and enthusiasm that I now take on my new duties.
After a strong start of the year we experienced a downturn in the stock market
during the second quarter. However, year to date the SIX Return Index has risen
by 9.1 per cent.
I am happy to say that over the same period, Bure’s net asset value per share
adjusted for dividends has grown by 14.4 per cent, i.e. more than five
percentage points better than index. In spite of this positive trend in net
asset value, Bure’s share price has not risen at the same rate, which was the
motive behind the share buyback.
Second quarter development in the portfolio company Vitrolife is also pleasing
to note. Year to date Vitrolife’s share price has increased by circa 70 per
cent. One new feature in this report is that we have chosen to present MedCap as
a portfolio company. Today Bure is MedCap’s single largest shareholder and we
take part in the company’s board work.
In conclusion, at the end of the period Bure had more than SEK 700M in
investable assets and I see it as one of my foremost tasks to maintain a high
level of activity in working with new investments.
Henrik Blomquist
Acting CEO

Henrik Blomquist, Acting CEO, +46 8- 614 00 20

The information in this interim report is subject to the disclosure requirements
of Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish
Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was publicly communicated on
13 August 2013, 09:45 a.m. CET.

