Metro International: Notification of Major Shareholding

Publication and communication under the Luxembourg act dated 21 July 2012 on
   squeeze-outs and sell-outs of securities issued by companies currently or
          formerly listed on a regulated market in the European Union

Kinnevik  Media Holding AB,  a private limited  liability company existing under
Swedish  law  with  registered  seat Skeppsbron 18, Box 2094, S-10313 Stockholm,
Sweden,  registered with the Swedish  Companies Registration Office under number
556880-1590, with  email  address:  ("Kinnevik Media Holding")
which  is held by 100% Investment AB Kinnevik (publ), a public limited liability
company  existing under Swedish law, with  registered seat at Skeppsbron 18, Box
2094, S-10313 Stockholm,   Sweden   registered   with   the   Swedish  Companies
Registration    Office    under    number   556047-9742, with   email   address: being listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm; has notified Metro of the

Metro  has a total issued share capital EUR 1,000,372.64 divided into a total of
528,009,231 shares, having one voting right each.

On  20 August 2013, Kinnevik Media Holding acquired  by purchase further class A
shares/SDRs  and  class  B  shares/SDRs,  following  a  private  offer  made  by
Investment  AB Kinnevik (publ) after  delisting of the shares  of Metro, so that
its direct holding:

  * of  class  A  shares/SDRs  with  ISIN  number  SE0000696841  rose  from  EUR
    492,541.90 to EUR 492,549.67 in the share capital of Metro, corresponding to
    a  rise in the voting rights  from 259,969,795 to 259,973,895 in the class A
    shares/SDRs and to a holding of 98.29% in the class A share/SDRs, and
  * of  class  B  shares/SDRs  SE0000696858  rose  from  EUR  490,385.06 to  EUR
    490,398.47 in  the share  capital of  Metro, corresponding  to a rise in the
    voting rights from 258,831,389 to 258,838,466 in the class B shares/SDRs and
    hence a holding of 98.22% in the class B share/SDRs.

The total direct holding of shares/SDR of Kinnevik Media Holding hence rose from
EUR 982,926.96 to EUR 982,948.14, corresponding to voting rights which rose from
518,801,184 to 518,812,361 and a holding of 98.26% of the total voting rights in

During  an extraordinary shareholder meeting of Metro dated 21 December 2012 the
shareholders  decided to add  voting rights to  the class B  shares, so that the
class  B shares have the same voting rights as the class A shares, i.e. one vote
for each share.

As  of 19 July  2013, Verdere S.à  r.l. holds  shares representing approximately
44.8% of the votes and approximately 10.6% of the share capital in Investment AB
Kinnevik (publ). Verdere S.à r.l. is owned, directly and indirectly, by Cristina
and Max Stenbeck, 50% each.

For further information, please visit, or contact:
Kristofer Hellberg, Kinnevik     Tel: + 46 70 762 00 24


Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world. Metro is published in
over 100 major cities in 23 countries across Europe, North & South America and
Asia. Metro has a unique global reach - attracting a young, active, well-
educated Metropolitan audience of over 18 million daily readers.



Notification of Major Shareholding.pdf